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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Bailey, P Thompson, J Jones J Oates , R Pritchard and J Wadrup.



To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 165 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 12th December 2023 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor L Wood and seconded by Councillor T Jay)


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Mayor reminded council members of the Tony Christie Charity Concert on Saturday 10th February to raise funds for Dementia Charities in Tamworth. 


Also, an invitation has been sent for the Mayors Civic Ball on Friday 8th March to raise funds for the Mayors chosen charities.


The Leader made the following announcement.


Firstly, I would like to update the council that we are moving to an exciting new phase on the future High Street fund delivery.  We are due to have some new graphics put on the hoardings in the town centre so that any one passing by  can see what I happening or due to happen.  And form the old Christophers down to the Pound Bakery demolition is imminent so people will start to see some positive action in the Town Centre. 


In the council before Christmas, I announced it was my intention to look to form a coalition with Tamworth Independent Futures Group.  Cllr Cook and I have had some very good conversations with a lot of good will and a lot of common ground between us, but we have not been able to reach an agreement.  There is no ill will at all, and we will both continue to deliver for Tamworth.  No ill will but no agreement reached. 


Councillor Tina Clements made the following announcement


I think we all agree it would be remiss if one of us didn’t stand up and mention Ben Newman, Ben AKA Spudman the TikTok sensation that he is.  As we all know he held an event in the town centre on Saturday and I think those of us that visited the Town centre could certainly see the appeal of Spudman and his band of spud army not just in Tamworth across the world it would seem there were visitors from Malaysia and Dubai and I think we can certainly say that he is a smash hit through all of his TikTok videos.  I think we can all agree that the event was a great attraction for Tamworth it wasn’t a council initiative, but it certainly bought people into the Town centre. He also set up a go fund me page for kidney research and most of us will know that Ben as had kidney surgery, so I am hoping he as raised quite a bit.  The town centre was full the pubs were brimming the traders were selling out.  If you walked down market street although they said there was a bit of a que at first it soon moved so that people could get through.  The Castle Hotel was fully booked, Christophers fully booked so again it bought a lot of people into the town and behalf of everyone here we would like to wish him all the best in his recovery because we know he’s been doing things that he shouldn’t be doing, and he needs now to rest and recuperate.  And who knows Mr Mayor perhaps you could be the next Tik Tok sensation.


Councillor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Question Time: pdf icon PDF 58 KB

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11


Additional documents:




Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Ron Brown, will ask the Portfolio Holder Entertainment and Leisure, Councillor A Cooper, the following question:-


What were the legal and organisational explanations, given at the time, for the expense of the addition of concrete bollards and a padlocked gate at the top of Moor Lane Bolehall?"




As the legal landowner the council is within its right to protect the site from any illegal encampments. The Council has had previous experience and cost of the gates being vandalised.

The council have been keen to protect the access to the green open space and this has not been compromised.




Quiet simply what changed since then because despite the Council’s obligations under the relevant act of parliament the gate is no longer padlocked and is now left perpetually open to vehicular traffic which wasn’t allowed before and which is already been taken advantage of many times in that new open always situation. 




So what has changed the council obviously had a bit of damage to the gate it is an historical issue with some of damage done to the gate and land and so they have decided to act and be proactive and put some protective measures in place to stop that damage happening again.


In terms of the gate being unpadlocked thank you for bringing to our attention and I will ensure I will take that up with street scene and make sure that gate gets secured and I will make a plea to the public that should we have any gates that are unsecure and unpadlocked and they belong or they believe they belong to the council please get in touch use the facilities on line and make the report and will  ensure we get someone down to investigate.  




Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Mark Hopkins, will ask the Portfolio Holder Housing and Planning, Councillor S Smith, the following question:-


Are Tamworth council and/or its councillors turning a blind eye to breaches of planning and/or false declarations to obtain planning permission?



I am not aware of any instances where council or Councillors have ignored breaches of planning or false declarations. 




Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Mark Hopkins, will ask the Portfolio Holder Housing and Planning, Councillor S Smith, the following question:


Can anyone now create a road on public land like what seems to have happened on the Warwickshire Moors?



The Planning teams as been looking into the issue raised by residents regarding the track and vehicles used on it.  Planning officers and the Planning enforcement officer have conducted several site visits.  Currently the landowner as submitted an application to regularize the situation, however, this does not guarantee approval.  The Officers will not be able to proceed until they have consulted with various statutory bodies among others and complete the necessary consultations.


Supplementary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Update to Appointment of Cabinet and Allocation of Cabinet Responsibilities

To receive any changes and updates to Membership of Cabinet and Allocation of Responsibilities for 2023/24



The Leader confirmed the changes to Cabinet



Leader of the Council, Finance and Governance



Medium Term Financial Strategy

A.D. Finance

Organisational Development inc HR & Payroll

A.D. People

Corporate Assessments


WMCA Member

A.D. Growth


A.D. People

Organisational Financial Sustainability

Executive Management Team

Communication and engagement

A.D. People

Audit & Governance

C.E.O./Section 151 Officer


A.D. Finance

Land Charges/Legal/Right To Buy

E.D. Organisation

Customer Services and insight

A.D. People


A.D. People

Information Mgt/GDPR/Ombudsman

A.D. People

Revenues & Benefits

A.D. Finance

Treasury Management

A.D. Finance

Finance inc revs/bens/C-tax/business rates

A.D. Finance

Corporate Risk Management

A.D. Finance



Housing and Planning



Disabled Facilities Grants and Disabled Facilities Adaptations

A.D. Assets

Planning: Development Control, Building Control and Conservation

A.D. Growth

Local Plan Development/Implementation

A.D. Growth

HRA Repairs standards /performance

A.D. Assets

HRA Regeneration and Communcal Buildings

A.D. Assets

HRA Business Planning

ED Communities

Tenant Regulation / enforcement

A.D. Neighbourhoods

HRA Community contribution

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Homelessness Prevention

A.D. Neighbourhoods



Private Rental Sector (including private sector enforcement)

A.D. Partnerships

Social Landlord Providers

A.D. Neighbourhoods

HRA Strategy

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Housing and Homelessness Advisory Board

A.D. Neighbourhoods





Strategic Projects



Future High Street Fund

AD Growth

Town Centre Regeneration

A.D. Growth

Town Centre Master-planning

A.D. Growth

General Regeneration opportunity

A.D. Growth

Marmion House Future

A.D. Growth

Gungate Regeneration

A.D. Growth



Engagement, Leisure and Events



Entertainment - Assembly Rooms, Castle Operations, Outdoor events, Arts, Culture, Heritage experience, Street Markets

A.D. Environment & Culture/AD Growth for castle & Markets

Member Communications

ED organisation

Public consultation

AD People

Citizens Panel

AD People

Democratic Services inc Member Development

ED organisation

Member Development program


ED Organisation

Civic Pride

ED organisation

Pride in place -.Community Pride Awards / New Honours Scheme

ED Organisation


ED Organisation

Armed Forces Covenant

AD Partberships

Community Leisure / Sport

A.D. Environment & Culture

Parks and Play

A.D. Environment & Culture

Sports Development

A.D. Environment & Culture




Town Centre and Assets



Property Management Investment

A.D. Assets

GF Repairs

A.D. Assets

Commercial Property Portfolio

A.D. Assets

Asset Management

A.D. Assets

Evening economy

AD Growth

Town Centre Relationships

A.D. Growth

Heritage Assets - maintenance, upkeep

A.D. Assets

Town Centre Strategy

A.D. Growth

Tourism / Destination Tamworth

A.D. Growth

Town Centre Car Parks

A.D. Growth

Economic & Business Development

A.D. Growth

Public Toilets

A.D. Assets






Environmental Health and Community Partnerships



Partnerships and Voluntary Sector

A.D. Partnerships

Environmental Health (all disciplines)

AD Growth

Community Safety and ASB

A.D. Partnerships, A.D. Neighbourhoods


A.D. Partnerships

neighbourhood resilence

AD Neighbourhoods


AD neighbourhoods

Car parking Enforcement

A.D. Partnerships

Emergency Planning

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Partnership Development

A.D. Partnerships

Litter Enforcement

A.D. Partnerships

Education and Aspiration

Executive Management Team

Business Continuity

AD Assets



Waste, Recycling and Environment



Street Scene & environmental management

A.D. Environment & Culture

Flower Arrangements (previously Tamworth in Bloom)

A.D. Environment & Culture


A.D. Environment & Culture

Nature Reserves

A.D. Environment & Culture

HRA Green Spaces and Neighbourhoods

A.D. Environment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74.


Update to Appointment of Committees

To receive any changes and updates to Committee Membership for 2023/24


The Leader Councillor T Jay updated on the membership of committees following changes to Cabinet members.


Appointments and Staffing Committee.

Infrastructure Safety and Growth Scrutiny,

 Health & Wellbeing Scrutiny,

Corporate Scrutiny,

Planning Committee,


Paul Turner

Paul Turner

Daniel Maycock

Daniel Maycock

Marie Bailey

Samuel Smith

John Harper

Stephen Doyle

Marie Bailey

Andrew Cooper

D Cook

Robert Pritchard

Jason Jones

Stephen Doyle

Jeremy Oates

Sarah Daniels

Jason Jones

Marie Bailey

D Cook

John Harper

Carol Dean

B Price

D Cook

B Price

Martin Summers

R Claymore

R Claymore

R Claymore

P Thurgood

Ben Clarke

Carol Dean

Lewis Smith

D Cook

Carol Dean

Chris Bain

Gareth Coates

R Claymore

Lewis Smith

Sarah Daniels

Chris Bain

Gareth Coates

Craig Adams

Lee Wood


Jan Wadrup

























Licensing Committee

Audit and Governance,

Nominations and Grants

 Statutory Officer Conduct Committee,


Tina Clements

Daniel Maycock

Thomas Jay

Robert Pritchard

Paul Turner

Stephen Doyle

Daniel Maycock

Jeremy Oates

Jason Jones

Robert Pritchard

Tina Clements

Paul Thompson

Andrew Cooper

B Price

Carol Dean

Lee Clarke

Paul Thompson

P Thurgood

Chris Bain

Chris Bain

B Price

Sarah Daniels

Richard Kingstone

P Thurgood

Ben Clarke

J Wade

J Wade


Lee Clarke

Lee Wood

Gareth Coates

Richard Kingstone

Jan Wadrup


Chief Officer Conduct Committee,


Martin Summers

Paul Turner

Jason Jones

Craig Adams

Lee Clarke



Street Trading Policy 2024 - 2026 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health and Community Partnerships)

Additional documents:


Councillor R Kingstone and J Wade left the meeting at 18.39pm and did not vote on the Street Trading Policy 2024 -2026


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health and Community Partnerships to create a street trading environment which ensures fair trading,

protects the amenity of residents, ensures the safety of those trading, promotes diversity and consumer choice and provides applicants with advice and guidance on the Council’s approach to the administration for street trading consents and licences under Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (“the Act”).



that Council:




Approved the draft Street Trading Policy 2024 – 2026 as set out in Appendix 1;




Approved the areas to be considered ‘consent’ streets suitable for adoption and to advertise the areas for consent once adopted.




(Moved by Councillor M Summers and seconded by Councillor B Price)


Council thanked Officers and members for the input in the Policy