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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Bailey, D Box, S Daniels and John Wade


To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 183 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2022 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


Councillor Kingstone declared an interest in the Netting of Hedges item as he originally bought the petition to Council.  Councillor Kingstone will not take part in any debate and not vote on this item. 


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Mayor, Councillor Moira Greatorex made the following announcements


I’d like to say as the Mayor that we were all saddened at the death of her Majesty and we have entered a new era now and I’m sure you would like to join me in wishing King Charles the third our very best wishes, ‘God Save the King’.


Another announcement an ex councillor Steven Pritchard  is getting married tomorrow and we would like to wish him all the best as he marries Kim tomorrow. 


The Chief Executive Mr Andrew Barratt made the following announcement-


Thank you Madam Mayor, at the meeting of Tamworth Borough Council held on Tuesday, 19th July 2022 it was resolved that pursuant to section 249 sub section 5 of the Local Government Act 1972 this Council does hear by confer the title of Honorary Alderman of the Borough upon Mr Ken Norchi and Dr. Simon Peaple In recognition of their eminent service to the Borough of Tamworth whilst they were an elected members of the Borough Council, with that I would ask Mr Norchi and Mr Thomas Peaple, who is collecting the award on behalf of Simon to join the Mayor to receive their certificates.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Jeremy Oates made the following announcement-


Thank you, Madam Mayor, I would like to raise this evening was the sad passing of our former Monarch Queen Elizabeth the second and would just like to say a big thank you to everybody during that time, the Councillors did themselves proud turning up at different events and really getting a sense of the importance of that time in our lives.  And Madam Mayor I really want to praise yourself, you had a lot of weight on your shoulders, I was stood with you on the podium at the proclamation and there were many eyes watching us making sure we got the National Anthem correct.  I think you should be congratulated on how you performed during that period.  Also, to the officers involved, we spent many years planning for such an event only to see the plan change immediately and then regularly throughout the ten-day mourning period and the officers did well to keep up with that.  Our Chief Executive was away for the first few days and Anica Goodwin stepped in I just wanted to record that she did a cracking job in deputising and looking after the whole first few days of that period. So, I just wanted to congratulate yourself and all involved and fellow Councillors for what was sad event but how well people stepped up and achieved what they needed to during that period. 


Councillor Tina Clements gave the following announcement- 


Thank you, Madam Mayor, it gives me great pleasure, to announce that tomorrow 28th September the Mercian Regiment will be marching through our town.  The regiment were awarded Freedom of the Borough in 2007 and then along with the Tamworth Royal British Legion, the Regimental Association Navy and the Royal Airforce  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


To elect a Deputy Mayor


Following the resignation of Deputy Mayor Councillor Danny Cook, Councillor John Harper was elected as Deputy Mayor


(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor T Jay)


Revised committee allocation due to the change in political balance

(Leader of the Council)


Under rule 4.10.10 Councillor D Cook moved the following motion:


That Council thank all the Chairman of all Regulatory and Scrutiny Committees for their hard work.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor M Cook)


This motion was carried unanimously. 



Membership for the Committees due to political change from 27th September 2022 is as follows:


Appointments & Staffing



S Doyle

J Oates

R Pritchard

M Summers

J Wadrup



Audit & Governance



A Cooper

D Cook

S Daniels

R Kingstone

R Ford

J Jones

Paul Turner






D Box

R Claymore

A Cooper

S Daniels

R Ford

S Goodall

J Harper

J Jones

D Maycock

B Price

S Smith

M Summers

P Thurgood





M Bailey

D Box

R Claymore

T Clements

C Cooke

A Cooper

S Doyle

M Greatorex

J Oates

B Price

S Smith

J Wade

J Wadrup


Nominations & Grants




D Box

T Clements

M Greatorex

J Harper

S Peaple

R Pritchard

P Thurgood



Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee



M Cook

R Ford

S Goodall

J Harper

D Maycock

B Price

R Rogers

P Turner

S Peaple


Corporate Scrutiny Committee



D Cook

M Cook

C Cooke

A Cooper

S Goodall

J Harper

T Jay

S Peaple

S Smith


Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee



R Claymore

C Cooke

M Greatorex

J Jones

R Kingstone

D Maycock

Roy Rogers

S Smith

J Wadrup


Homelessness Prevention & Social Housing Sub Committee



M Cook

Alex Farrell

T Jay

S Peaple

P Turner


Chief Officer Conduct Committee



S Goodall

R Kingstone

D Maycock

R Rogers

P Thurgood


Statutory Officer Conduct Committee



C Cooke

A Farrell

R Ford

S Peaple

J Wade



Councillor D Cook amended that the Independents Group will give their place on Appointments & Staffing Committee to Cllr J Wadrup.


(Moved by Councillor J Oates and second by Councillor D Cook)


Question Time: pdf icon PDF 79 KB

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Paul Sharman of Tamworth will ask the Portfolio Holder Voluntary Sector, Town Centre, Evening Economy and Community Safety Councillor Martin Summers, the following question: -




How many CCTV cameras do we have in Tamworth and how many are currently not Working.


Councillor Summers provided the following answer


Presently in Tamworth we have a total 154 closed circuit CCTV cameras covering public open spaces.

One out of our 154 cameras have been decommissioned, which is located on the top of the old police station (Spinney School Lane, Tamworth) as this building is due to be demolished soon.

 CCTV plays a key role in making Tamworth safer, helping to provide evidence where a crime has been committed and, reducing crime where cameras are operational.

CCTV monitoring aims to:

           Assist in the detection, reduction, and prevention of incidences of crime

           Provide evidential material to assist police investigations

           Deter those having criminal intent

           Reduce the fear of crime and give confidence to the public that they are in a secure environment

           Provide safer communities

           Reduce acts of vandalism

           Assist in the prevention and detection of antisocial behaviour

           Assist with traffic management





How much is the council saving by outsourcing the monitoring to Birmingham.


The shared service agreement with WMCA for the provision of CCTV monitoring and response, represents a potential saving of c£487k over a period of 5 years (2020 – 2025).




Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Peter Hill of Tamworth will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor Jeremy Oates the following question:-




What incentives or Persuasions are T.B.C applying to Barclays to keep the Bank in St. Editha's Square open?

Councillor Oates provided the following answer


The Council has not been formally told of this decision, however we do understand it is a commercial decision made by Barclays due the falling number of visitors to the bank and the increased use of digital access.


There are no incentives the council can offer.




Under Procedure Rule No 10, Ms D Wilson, of Tamworth will ask the Portfolio Holder for Homelessness Prevention and Social Housing, Councillor A Farrell, the following question:-


The first section 20 letter stated residents could choose contractors to put forward. However, another resident had a letter stating they could not. Could the portfolio holder tell us which was the correct variation of the letter? "


Councillor Farell gave the following answer


I assume that this question and the next 4 questions relate to leaseholder charges for context this only affects 20 leaseholders across the town but I understand for those people affected how serious this is as an issue. The section 20 process is carried out in three stages. The opportunity to nominate contractors for inclusion in the procurement process was at Stage 1 which was before tenders were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


To consider a motion regarding banning the giving of live animals as prizes notice of which has been duly given in accordance with Procedure Rule no. 4.12.1 by Councillors R Pritchard, P Turner, T Clements, J Harper and D Maycock pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Further details are in the attached document.


The Council considered the motion of Banning the giving of live animals as prizes.



That council



Agreed to update its policy and conditions of land use to outright ban the giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Tamworth Borough Council land and;



Agreed to write to the Government, urging them to consider an outright ban on the giving of live animals as prizes on both public and private land.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor J Harper)



Scrutiny Recommendations to Council in response to the Petition to Stop the Netting of Hedges in Tamworth pdf icon PDF 60 KB

(Report of the Chair of the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Scrutiny Committee)

Additional documents:


Councillor Richard Kingstone as petition organiser did not debate or vote on this item.


Report of the Chair of the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Scrutiny Committee to report back to Council following consideration by the Infrastructure Safety & Growth Scrutiny Committee (the “Committee”) of the matters referred to it by Council following Council’s receipt on 15th March 2022 of the Petition to Stop the Netting of Hedges in Tamworth.




That Council



Agreed that within the Planning Validation Criteria an additional criteria relating to the netting of hedges/trees is included and reference is made to include the RSPB Guidance on hedges and netting in consultation with the County ecologist and;


The Assistant Director has agreed to await the recommendation of Full Council prior to closing the consultation on the validation criteria.



(Moved by Councillor S Goodall and seconded by Councillor R Ford)





Annual Report on the Treasury Management Service and Actual Prudential Indicators 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 519 KB

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Risk and Customer Services)


Report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Risk and Customer Services report is a requirement of the Council’s reporting procedures

It covers the Treasury activity for 2021/22, and the actual Prudential Indicators for 2021/22.

The report meets the requirements of both the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management and the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities. The Council is required to comply with both Codes in accordance with Regulations issued under the Local Government Act 2003. It also provides an opportunity to review the approved Treasury Management Strategy for the current year and enables Members to consider and approve any issues identified that require amendment.



That Council



approved the actual 2021/22 Prudential and Treasury Indicators within the report and shown at Appendix 1; and



Accepted the Annual Treasury Management Report for 2021/22.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor R Kingstone)