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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Mayor, Councillor Moira Greatorex made the following announcements


I’d like to say as the Mayor that we were all saddened at the death of her Majesty and we have entered a new era now and I’m sure you would like to join me in wishing King Charles the third our very best wishes, ‘God Save the King’.


Another announcement an ex councillor Steven Pritchard  is getting married tomorrow and we would like to wish him all the best as he marries Kim tomorrow. 


The Chief Executive Mr Andrew Barratt made the following announcement-


Thank you Madam Mayor, at the meeting of Tamworth Borough Council held on Tuesday, 19th July 2022 it was resolved that pursuant to section 249 sub section 5 of the Local Government Act 1972 this Council does hear by confer the title of Honorary Alderman of the Borough upon Mr Ken Norchi and Dr. Simon Peaple In recognition of their eminent service to the Borough of Tamworth whilst they were an elected members of the Borough Council, with that I would ask Mr Norchi and Mr Thomas Peaple, who is collecting the award on behalf of Simon to join the Mayor to receive their certificates.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Jeremy Oates made the following announcement-


Thank you, Madam Mayor, I would like to raise this evening was the sad passing of our former Monarch Queen Elizabeth the second and would just like to say a big thank you to everybody during that time, the Councillors did themselves proud turning up at different events and really getting a sense of the importance of that time in our lives.  And Madam Mayor I really want to praise yourself, you had a lot of weight on your shoulders, I was stood with you on the podium at the proclamation and there were many eyes watching us making sure we got the National Anthem correct.  I think you should be congratulated on how you performed during that period.  Also, to the officers involved, we spent many years planning for such an event only to see the plan change immediately and then regularly throughout the ten-day mourning period and the officers did well to keep up with that.  Our Chief Executive was away for the first few days and Anica Goodwin stepped in I just wanted to record that she did a cracking job in deputising and looking after the whole first few days of that period. So, I just wanted to congratulate yourself and all involved and fellow Councillors for what was sad event but how well people stepped up and achieved what they needed to during that period. 


Councillor Tina Clements gave the following announcement- 


Thank you, Madam Mayor, it gives me great pleasure, to announce that tomorrow 28th September the Mercian Regiment will be marching through our town.  The regiment were awarded Freedom of the Borough in 2007 and then along with the Tamworth Royal British Legion, the Regimental Association Navy and the Royal Airforce in 2013, this was done to thank service personnel and the veterans and families for their dedication and service to our former Majesty the Queen and now the King I hope to see a lot of Members out in the town tomorrow to enjoy the march and to thank to Sarah Mcgrandle and her team because again, it has all been pulled together at the last minute, it has been embargoed for so long and then the notices had to go up so the cat was out of bag.