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Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Auditorium - Assembly Rooms, Corporation Street, Tamworth, B79 7DN. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

Link: View the link

No. Item


To elect a Mayor


Councillor M Oates was elected as Mayor


(Moved by Councillor R Claymore and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


A Vote of thanks was proposed to thank outgoing Mayor R Claymore and her consort Mrs Woods.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


The Outgoing Mayor, Councillor R Claymore spoke the following words


May I extend a warm welcome to everyone here, gathered for this ancient ceremony of Mayor making, and indeed the first physical face to face Council meeting during my civic year. I’m sure you have all got used to seeing me on screen but this is the live version now


As Mayor of Tamworth  I would just like to say that this year has probably been the most unusual year for any Mayor to serve but what I can say is that is has been a complete honour and a privilege to be Mayor of Tamworth during this difficult period in all our lives.  It is a year that none of us will ever forget.


On that note, I would like send my thoughts and condolences to the families and friends who have sadly lost loved ones during the past year be it to Covid or for any other reason I would like to convey my sadness over the amount of people who have lost their lives to Covid 19 and for the people who are still suffering with long Covid. 


Whilst I haven’t been able to attend as many functions as I would have liked each and every one of them I did attend was memorable and again it has been an honour for me to do so.


During the year I have met some fantastic people who have volunteered tirelessly to work to help others less fortunate than themselves.  I have been inspired by all the generous people in Tamworth who give up their time week in week out helping others. 


To name a few, The Round Table who   were collecting food and toiletries at the start of the lockdown and now are helping at the Vaccination centres and doing a fantastic job., Starfish Project and Heart of Tamworth supporting homeless people through this time, the Tamworth Sewing group who were making, scrubs, face masks, hats for NHS workers, carers and Key workers at the peak there was over 500 volunteers who collectively made up 25,000 items, an amount I was absolutely staggered with. Also the Tamworth CIC who have played such a big part in supporting Tamworth residents and running the Tamworth Hub, Paula and all the volunteers at the Tamworth wellbeing Cancer Centre for trying to keep supporting people throughout the pandemic. The list is endless and I could spend the rest of the meeting talking about all the people that have stepped up to support others. You are all amazing.


Finally, it was also particularly sad for me to announce the passing of his HRH the Duke of Edinburgh earlier this year.


There are so many people  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


To elect a Deputy Mayor


Councillor M Greatorex was elected as Deputy Mayor


(Moved by Councillor M Oates and seconded by Councillor Dr S Peaple)



To elect the Leader of the Council


Councillor J Oates was elected Leader of the Council


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor J Chesworth)




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive the Minutes of the previous meetings pdf icon PDF 502 KB

To receive the minutes of the meetings held on:

·       9th March 2021; and

·       16th March 2021.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on the 9th March 2021 and 16th March 2021 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor Dr S Peaple and seconded by Councillor J Oates)


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


There were no announcements


Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Clements will ask the Leader of the Council , Councillor J Oates, the following question:-


“With the ever-growing tally of military veterans taking their own lives like Lance Shingler due to lack of support please can I ask what this council is doing to identify veterans within our community and what support is offered to them if required?”


Councillor J Oates gave the following reply:-


“Thank you Mr Mayor and thank you Councillor Clements.


We should remember that anybody taking their own life is any absolute tragedy, for that person in the run up to that event, but also for their family, friends and colleagues.


In terms of servicemen Tamworth is a signatory in the Staffordshire Armed Forces Covenant which seeks to support current and former armed forces personnel in their communities


The Covenant was signed by the Staffordshire County Council in 2015 and was also adopted by Tamworth Borough Council


Details of the County wide scheme, including current funding programmes are on the County Councils website.


The aims of the Staffordshire Armed Forces Covenant are to:



  • Encourage local communities to support the armed forces community in their areas and to nurture public understanding and awareness among the public of issues that face the  armed forces community 


  • Another aim is to recognise and remember the sacrifices faced by the armed forces community, it is key that we refer to the community not just the individuals who served because their families certainly served alongside them as do their friends and colleagues.


  •  It also aims to encourage activities which help to integrate the armed forces in to communities and into local life  



  • Also encourage the armed forces community to help and support the wider community, whether through participation in events and joint projects, and other forms of engagement

Tamworth is committed to supporting veterans and serving members of the armed forces and their families through a variety of ways Mr Mayor, for example


  • Priority award under the Councils Allocations policy and access to the housing register seeking to accelerate re-housing is one of our large focuses this is important Mr Mayor we hear all too often about servicemen or woman who struggle to get re housed after leaving the forces


  • Our homelessness Strategy also identifies current and former members of the armed forces, partnering with organisations such as SSAFA to prevent homelessness and prevent crisis



  • Recent award of MHCLG funding for rough sleeping  has been successful (£100k) and will help signpost vulnerable applicants, including veterans, through a range of social and health pathways


One of the main Community Safety Partnership priorities is to support vulnerable people and as such ex-armed forces personnel who require support will be signposted where the situation merits, including organisations who can help support them with housing, mental health and job opportunities.


Only this afternoon Mr Mayor I was in the presence of a former member of the armed forces who is re  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Appointment of Cabinet and Allocation of Responsibilities

To receive the Membership of Cabinet for 2021/22 and the Allocation of Responsibilities (to be circulated at the meeting)


The Membership of Cabinet for 2021/22 was received and circulated as below;


Leader of the Council


Cllr Jeremy Oates






Business Continuity

AD Assets

Emergency Planning

A.D. Neighbourhoods


A.D. Finance

Organisational Development inc HR & Payroll

A.D. People

PR / Comms / Corporate Consultation

A.D. People


A.D. People



Partnership Development

A.D. Partnerships



Corporate Assessments


Corporate Risk Management

A.D. Finance



WMCA Member

A.D. Growth

Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP's)

A.D. Growth


A.D. People

Lead for Climate change & Green Agenda

AD Growth

Reset and Recovery programme

ED Communities


AD Growth



Town Centre Regeneration

A.D. Growth

Town Centre Master-planning

A.D. Growth





Finance and customer services

Cllr Marie Bayley




Property Management Investment

A.D. Assets

GF Repairs

A.D. Assets



Commercial Property Portfolio

A.D. Assets

Asset Management

A.D. Assets

Revenues & Benefits

A.D. Finance

Treasury Management

A.D. Finance


A.D. Finance


A.D. Finance



Audit & Governance


Democratic Services inc Member Development

E.D. Organisation

Land Charges/Legal/RTB

E.D. Organisation



Customer Services and insight

A.D. People

Information Mgt/GDPR/Ombudsman

A.D. People


A.D. People

Climate change & Green Agenda



Economy and Waste


Cllr Danny Cook






Heritage Assets

A.D. Growth

Street Markets

A.D. Growth

Dry Recycling Disposal Contract


Waste Management


Joint Waste Board with LDC.


Voluntary Sector

A.D. Partnerships



Economic & Business Development

A.D. Growth

General Regeneration opportunity

A.D. Growth

Town Centre Relationships

A.D. Growth

Aspiration to Education Sector/ Educational Attainment


Career Skills and Training


Climate change & Green Agenda



Regulatory and Community Safety


Cllr Stephen Doyle






Local Plan Development/Implementation

A.D. Growth

Development Control (Planning)

A.D. Growth

Building Control (Planning)

A.D. Growth

Conservation (planning)

A.D. Growth

Environmental Health (all disciplines)

A.D. Growth

Licensing Policy

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Corporate Health & Safety

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Taxi Licensing

A D Growth

PCC Engagement

A.D. Partnerships

Community Safety

A.D. Partnerships

Corporate ASB Strategy

A.D. Neighbourhoods


A.D. Partnerships

E H Enforcement

A D Growth

Community Wardens

A.D. Neighbourhoods


A.D. Neighbourhoods

Climate change & Green Agenda



Environment and Leisure


Robert Pritchard





A.D. Growth & A.D. People

Litter/Car parking Enforcement

A.D. Partnerships

Street Scene / Tamworth in Bloom

A.D. Op's & Leisure


A.D. Op's & Leisure

Arts / Culture / Heritage exp

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Outdoor Events

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Community Leisure / Sport

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Public Toilets

A.D. Assets

Nature Reserves, Parks and Play

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Assembly Rooms

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Sports Development

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Tourism / Destination Tamworth

A.D. Growth

Castle operations

A.D. Growth

Assembly Rooms operations

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Town Centre Car Parks

A.D. Growth

HRA Green Spaces and Neighbourhoods

A.D. Op's & Leisure

Climate change & Green Agenda



Social Housing and homelessness prevention


Cllr Alex Farrell




HRA Repairs standards /performance

A.D. Assets

HRA Business Planning

ED Communities

HRA Regeneration

A.D. Assets

Tenant Regulation / enforcement

A.D. Neighbourhoods

HRA Community contribution

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Homelessness Prevention

A.D. Neighbourhoods

Private Rental Sector (including private sector enforcement)

A.D. Partnerships

HRA communal buildings

A.D. Assets

Social Landlord Providers

A.D. Neighbourhoods



HRA Strategy

A.D. Neighbourhoods


A.D. Assets



Climate change & Green Agenda




Appointment of Committees

To receive the Constitution and Membership of Committee for 2021/22 (to be circulated at the meeting)


Membership of Committees for 2021/22 is as follows






J Oates

R Pritchard

M Bailey

D Cook

S Doyle

A Farell



Appointments and Staffing Committee




J Oates

D Cook

S Doyle

R Pritchard

S Peaple



Audit and Governance Committee




M Summers

R Ford

J Chesworth

A Cooper

M Greatorex

Dr S Peaple

P Thurgood



Planning Committee




J Chesworth

M Bailey

J Harper

P Brindley

R Rogers

S Goodall

M Greatorex

T Jay

J Wade

K Norchi

S Pritchard

D Maycock

D Box


Licensing Committee




B Price

M Oates

J Oates

R Claymore

T Clements

S Doyle

A Farrell

J Jones

K Norchi

P Thurgood

M Cook

R Pritchard

D Box



Nominations Committee




T Clements

R Pritchard

D Cook

T Jay

P Thurgood

K Norchi

B Price


Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee




S Goodall

T Clements

J Chesworth

R Claymore

A Cooper

D Maycock

Dr S Peaple

B Price

M Summers


Corporate Scrutiny Committee




T Jay

S Pritchard

J Chesworth

A Copper

R Ford

S Goodall

J Harper

R Rogers

Dr S Peaple


Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee




R Claymore

D Maycock

P Brindley

M Greatorex

J Harper

J Jones

S Peaple

R Rogers

J Wade


Chief Officer Conduct Committee




M Cook

M Oates

A Cooper

R Ford

D Box



Statutory Officer Conduct Committee




M Bailey

M Summers

S Pritchard

P Brindley

S Peaple



The Leader also announced Dr S people has been nominated to sit on the Scrutiny panel for the West Midlands Combined authority


















Appointment of Committee Chairs

To receive details of the proposed Chairs (to be circulated at the meeting)


Appointments and Staffing Committee


Councillor J Oates as Chair

Councillor R Pritchard as Vice Chair



Audit and Governance Committee


Councillor M Summers as chair

Councillor R Ford as Vice Chair



Licensing Committee


Councillor B Price as Chair

Councillor T Clements as Vice Chair



Planning Committee


Councillor J Chesworth as Chair

Councillor M Bailey as Vice Chair



Corporate Scrutiny Committee


Councillor T Jay as Chair

Councillor S Pritchard as Vice Chair



Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee


Councillor R Claymore as Chair

Councillor D Maycock as Vice Chair



Infrastructure, Safety and Growth Scrutiny Committee


Councillor S Goodall as Chair

Councillor T Clements as Vice Chair



(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor S Pritchard)



The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information Regulations) 2012 pdf icon PDF 307 KB

(Report of the Leader of the Council)

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council informed Members that The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) Regulations 2012 specifies and requires inter alia under Regulation 19 that the Executive Leader must submit a report on a regular basis to Council containing details of particulars of each urgent Executive decision and a summary of the matters in respect of which the decision was made. 



That Council,


Endorsed the Annual Executive Arrangements Report



(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor D Cook)



Appointment of the Monitoring Officer pdf icon PDF 120 KB

(Report of the Chief Executive)


Report of the Chief Executive seeks Council approval to appoint to the statutory post of Monitoring Officer in accordance with the Council’s Constitution and local government legislation



That Council;



Approved the appointment of Nicola Hesketh (Information Governance Manager) with effect from 1 June 2021 for a period of 2 years, and



Formally thanked Mrs Fowkes (Director Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) for her support to the Council during this time.




(Moved by Councillor Dr S Peaple and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


Calendar of Meetings - 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To receive the calendar of Council and Committee meetings for 2021/2022


The Calendar of Meetings for 2021/22 was received and circulated at the meeting


The Leader thanked Democratic services for the production of the calendar of meetings.



That Members


Accepted the Calendar of Meetings for 2021/22


(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)