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Agenda item

To elect a Mayor


Councillor M Oates was elected as Mayor


(Moved by Councillor R Claymore and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


A Vote of thanks was proposed to thank outgoing Mayor R Claymore and her consort Mrs Woods.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


The Outgoing Mayor, Councillor R Claymore spoke the following words


May I extend a warm welcome to everyone here, gathered for this ancient ceremony of Mayor making, and indeed the first physical face to face Council meeting during my civic year. I’m sure you have all got used to seeing me on screen but this is the live version now


As Mayor of Tamworth  I would just like to say that this year has probably been the most unusual year for any Mayor to serve but what I can say is that is has been a complete honour and a privilege to be Mayor of Tamworth during this difficult period in all our lives.  It is a year that none of us will ever forget.


On that note, I would like send my thoughts and condolences to the families and friends who have sadly lost loved ones during the past year be it to Covid or for any other reason I would like to convey my sadness over the amount of people who have lost their lives to Covid 19 and for the people who are still suffering with long Covid. 


Whilst I haven’t been able to attend as many functions as I would have liked each and every one of them I did attend was memorable and again it has been an honour for me to do so.


During the year I have met some fantastic people who have volunteered tirelessly to work to help others less fortunate than themselves.  I have been inspired by all the generous people in Tamworth who give up their time week in week out helping others. 


To name a few, The Round Table who   were collecting food and toiletries at the start of the lockdown and now are helping at the Vaccination centres and doing a fantastic job., Starfish Project and Heart of Tamworth supporting homeless people through this time, the Tamworth Sewing group who were making, scrubs, face masks, hats for NHS workers, carers and Key workers at the peak there was over 500 volunteers who collectively made up 25,000 items, an amount I was absolutely staggered with. Also the Tamworth CIC who have played such a big part in supporting Tamworth residents and running the Tamworth Hub, Paula and all the volunteers at the Tamworth wellbeing Cancer Centre for trying to keep supporting people throughout the pandemic. The list is endless and I could spend the rest of the meeting talking about all the people that have stepped up to support others. You are all amazing.


Finally, it was also particularly sad for me to announce the passing of his HRH the Duke of Edinburgh earlier this year.


There are so many people that I may not have met if things had been different.  I was amazed by the amount of individual people that took it upon themselves to do something for others. 


I asked for nominations of people that had volunteered during the first lock down.  I was inundated with nominations including the four ladies who ran a Lockdown supper club providing meals, newspapers, shopping and befriending and shielding elderly people and the lady who knitted a mega scarf which raised funds for Acorns hospice and not forgetting 4 year old Eli who took it upon himself to litter pick in the area he lives in.  There are many more inspiring people I could mention and I am glad I did get the pleasure to meet some of them. 


In the past Mayors have had opportunities to raise money for their chosen charities. Unfortunately, this year I have been unable to hold any Such functions for my chosen charity St Giles, a charity close to my heart, but I would like to say massive thank you for everyone that has supported this in particular I would like to thank 2 local businesses, Mrs Little Cupcake, and the Wardrobe Boutique who ran 2 very successful fund raisers during the year on my behalf. With your indulgence Mr Mayor can I add that my just giving page is still up and running for anyone who still wishes to make a donation.


As Mayor I would never be able to do this role alone.  Firstly, I would like to thank my consort my sister Mrs Maureen Wood who has given us so much of her personal time to support me in this role and has been my right hand woman throughout also a big thank you to all my family for supporting me over the year

Secondly, there is no doubt to any of us that our Tamworth Borough Staff have worked tirelessly to adjust and cope with these very different circumstances

Next I would also like to thank my fellow members who have supported me where they have been able – I have been very grateful for their help


Finally, I want to thank those members of staff in the back office, Democratic services , people  who help to support the Mayor, from organising and responding to invites to helping with the chains, to driving me around (although there hasn’t been much of that if I’m being honest), to those staff who help with social media and press

Circumstances do not allow me to show my appreciation in the usual manner of offering gifts however I will be thanking you all personally in the very near future. All that remains to say is thank you it’s been my absolute pleasure to serve you all.  Thank you.”