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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 01827 709264 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor T Clements


Mayor's Cadet


Tom Heard was inaugurated as the Mayor’s Cadet for 2016/17


To elect a Mayor


Councillor K Norchi was elected as Mayor and proposed a vote of thanks to Councillor Maureen Gant’s year as Mayor


(Moved by Councillor A Lunn and seconded by Councillor P Seekings)


To elect a Deputy Mayor


Councillor J Chesworth was elected as Deputy Mayor


(Moved by Councillor K Norchi and seconded by Councillor M Gant)


To elect the Leader of the Council


Councillor D Cook was elected Leader of the Council


(Moved by Councillor A James and seconded by Councillor M Thurgood)


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of Members’ interests (pecuniary and non-pecuniary) in any matters which are to be considered at this meeting.


When Members are declaring a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they have dispensation, they should specify the nature of such interest.  Members should leave the room if they have a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in respect of which they do not have a dispensation. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


To receive the Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 328 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2016 were approved and signed as a correct record.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)


To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Announcement made by the Mayor Councillor K Norchi:-


I would like to say a few words to thank everybody. I would like to start with thanking my mother. Without my mom obviously I wouldn’t be here. Mom has always been there if we ever needed anything and she always sorted things out. My father passed away some years ago now but I would like to thank all the family although there are too many to go through, close friends and friends who have been with me over the years and who have put much effort in. A lot of you sitting here may remember my late good friend Bob Sharpe. Shame Bob can’t be with us here tonight. I wonder where I would be without Bob? He was a character and just a great man. I want to thank you all personally as well because no matter which side of the bench you sit on I think you are all great people. We have our disagreements about politics but as far as I’m concerned that’s as far as it goes. It’s the people out there that need help they need us to be working for them. Once again thinking of those people none of us would be sitting here. They need us. Obviously there are 1001 things to think of as Peter Seekings said earlier on. If it wasn’t for Peter I would never have dreamed of becoming a Councillor. He took me to a Labour Party meeting and the rest is history now. I thank Peter very much. I won’t go on for an hour and a half as I know you all want a drink and a bite to eat. I invite you all into the parlour and hope to speak to as many of you as I can. Thank you for your support.


Announcement made by the Leader of the Council Councillor D Cook:-


Sorry Mr Mayor with your indulgence we have a professional photographer here tonight that is going to take photographs of the new members. For many years I have toured other Council’s around the country and every single Council seems to have a tradition that we don’t have. As tonight as we have a photographer I would like to give it a go with everyone’s indulgence at the end how about we get a photograph of all of the Councillors together at the Mayor Making with all the Councillors behind you? I would be grateful if everyone would be available for a photograph afterwards?


Announcement made by the Deputy Leader of the Council Councillor R Pritchard:-


Congratulations on your election to office. In the light of the Constitution to award former members of the Council or served more than 3 consecutive terms Aldermen status I have pleasure in presenting to the Council tonight a list of former such members of the Council. Can I thank Councillor A James for giving up lots of hours especially on a Saturday afternoon to go through the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Madge will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


“With the concerns over Lichfield planning to build a 1000 houses on the northern borders of Tamworth at Arkall Farm and the potential for North Warwickshire’s Meaningful Gap project that could see another 1500 homes built on our Eastern borders, what are the Leader of the Council’s plans to stop our town being throttled by neighbouring authorities that will see us gain nothing from these developments other than adding misery and stress to our already struggling infrastructure?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:


I will try and take it in two parts, basically to the North and to the East, but first we must recall that the land available within Tamworth’s political boundary cannot meet our professionally calculated housing need until 2031 as demonstrated in the recently adopted local plan. Therefore we are reliant through duty to co-operate on LDC and NWBC to meet some of this need so we need to ensure we approach this correctly. Those two authorities need to go through due process to ensure that any development is suitably mitigated.


Officers following requests from Cllr Steve Claymore have already been playing hardball with colleagues in NWBC and it would appear that in NWBC’s latest considerations for the next iteration of their plan include options for development away from Tamworth’s borders. Already some areas of “Meaningless Gap” (no pun intended) have been removed from consideration after challenge by TBC officers.


We have already objected to the Lichfield Local Plan and the Arkall Farm development. As we know the BWB report demonstrated what was sustainable through the Gungate corridor traffic wise. The 500 plus at Anker Valley and the 165 at Browns lane have already moped up this capacity and any additional created by the Pinch Point works. Keep in mind that the report was commissioned and paid for by TBC, LDC and the County Council so we hope they will continue to support the findings.


Already Councillor John Chesworth and Councillor Rob Pritchard and delivering updates to residents and encouraging them to join the fight against the Arkall Farm development. Myself, Councillor Richard Kingstone, Councillor John Chesworth and Councillor Richard Pritchard are already engaged in a fight about who gets to go and object direct to Lichfield’s planning committee should it reach them.


So to sum up, we need to work with NWBC to fully understand the “Meaningless Gap” intentions and how it affects Tamworth’s infrastructure and residents. If it has negative impacts we will fight it tooth and nail. The Controlling Group, thus this Council is opposed to Arkall Farm completely and I don’t see this changing in the near future. We will fight it as far as we can and hope to win.


We are continuing to meet with both authorities to encourage them to work with us to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Appointment of Cabinet and Allocation of Responsibilities

To receive the Membership of Cabinet for 2016/17 which will be circulated at the meeting


The membership of Cabinet for 2016/17 was received and circulated at the meeting as follows:




Leader of the Council

Assets and Finance

Cllr Daniel Cook

Cllr Rob Pritchard (Deputy leader)





Corporate Assessments

Corporate Finance & Procurement

Engagement Overview

Audit & Governance

Financial Planning

Service Transformation

Performance Management

Customer Services, HR and ICT

Member Development

GF/HRA Commercial Property & Asset Management

Strategic Overview


Strategic Partnerships

Treasury Management

Budget Consultation

Revenues & Benefits

Participatory Budgeting

Community Health & Safety

Tamworth Listens

Corporate Health and Safety


PR and Coms Management (GF & HRA)

Organisational Capacity

Graphics and Publications

Corporate Consultation / Engagement (GF & HRA)

Town Centre Car Parks

Delivering Quality Services Overview

Council Tax and NNDR recovery


Legal and Democratic Services





Cllr Stephen Doyle

Cllr Steve Claymore





Safer & Stronger Communities

Education / Educational Attainment

Community Safety, ASB Reduction & Crime

Career Skills and Training

Tackling Fear of Crime

Business Development

Integrated Enforcement / Clean Streets Enforcement

Town Centre Development

CCTV Management

Town Centre Economy / Enterprise Qtr.

Community Development and Locality Working

Development Management

Police and Crime Commissioner Engagement

Building Control

Civil Parking Enforcement

Town Centre Market Development

Third Sector Engagement


Voluntary Sector Engagement and Funding

Local Plan / Regeneration

Locality / Integrated Commissioning.

Southern Staffordshire Partnership (SSP)

CCG / PCT Engagement

LEP Board Member / Combined Authority

Healthier Communities / Lifestyles

Infrastructure / Transport / LTB

Community Wardens.

Gateways Project

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Housing Regeneration Projects

Child Protection / Every Child Matters Agenda








Housing Services

Envirnoment and Culture

Cllr Michelle Thurgood

Cllr Joy Goodall





Strategic Housing

Strategic Waste Management

Homelessness Prevention

Refuse Collection

Housing Advice

Recycling Services

Landlord Services / Council Housing

Waste Minimisation

Council Housing Stock Capacity

Joint Waste Board with LDC.

Private Rented Sector Housing

Staffordshire Joint Waste Management Board

HRA Neighbourhood Renewal


Healthier Housing

Nature Reserves, Parks and Play

Public Sector Garages

Street Furniture Maintenance

HRA Business Planning


Tenant Engagement

Tamworth in Bloom

Decent Homes Standard


Housing Repairs Service

Environmental Health

Service Charges

Sports Development and Leisure Services

RSL Engagement

Tourism/ Destination Tamworth

Decent & Affordable Housing Development

Outdoor Events


Heritage Conservation / Promotion


Culture and the Arts


Services for Young People / Youth Council







Appointment of Committees

The Constitution and Membership of Committees for 2016/17 which will be circulated at the meeting


The Constitution and Membership of Committees for 2016/17 was received and circulated at the meeting as follows:






Councillors               D Cook                       Leader of the Council

                                    R Pritchard                Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance

                                    S Claymore               Portfolio Holder for Regeneration

                                    S Doyle                      Portfolio Holder for Communities and Wellbeing                     

J Goodall                   Portfolio Holder for Environment and Culture

                                    M Thurgood              Portfolio Holder for Housing Services




Councillors               S Claymore

                                    S Doyle

                                    R Pritchard




Councillors               D Cook

                                    S Peaple

                                    T Peaple

                                    R Pritchard

                                    M Thurgood




Councillors               J Chesworth

                                    C Cooke

                                    J Faulkner

                                    M Gant

                                    R Kingstone

                                    J Oates

                                    M Summers




Councillors               J Chesworth

                                    S Claymore

                                    J Goodall

                                    S Goodall

                                    M Greatorex

                                    T Madge

                                    K Norchi

                                    J Oates

                                    M Oates

                                    T Peaple

                                    P Standen

                                    M Summers

                                    P Thurgood




Councillors               R Bilcliff

                                    T Clements

                                    A Couchman

                                    S Doyle

                                    R Ford

                                    M Gant

                                    J Goodall

                                    A James

                                    A Lunn

                                    M Oates

                                    R Rogers

                                    P Seekings

                                    P Standen




Councillors               T Clements

                                    D Cook

                                    M Greatorex

                                    R Kingstone

                                    T Madge

                                    T Peaple

                                    P Seekings




Councillors               R Bilcliff

                                    J Chesworth

                                    R Ford

                                    S Goodall

                                    R Kingstone

                                    S Peaple

                                    R Rogers

                                    P Standen

                                    P Thurgood




Councillors               T Clements

                                    C Cooke

                                    A Couchman

                                    J Faulkner

                                    M Gant

                                    S Goodall

                                    M Greatorex

                                    A James

                                    J Oates

                                    M Summers




Councillors               A James

                                    A Lunn

                                    T Madge

                                    S Peaple

                                    M Thurgood




Councillors               R Bilcliff

A James

                                    A Lunn

                                    S Peaple

                                    M Thurgood





The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) Rules 2012 pdf icon PDF 114 KB

(The Report of the Leader of the Council)


The Report of the Leader of the Council to advise Members of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) Regulations 2012 specify and require inter alia under Regulation 19 that the executive leader must submit a report on a regular basis to Council containing details of particulars of each urgent executive decision and a summary of the matters in respect of which the decision was made was considered



That Members endorsed the Annual Executive Arrangements Report.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)





Review of the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 207 KB

(The Report of the Leader of the Council and the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer)

Additional documents:


The Report of the Leader of the Council and the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer seeking to obtain Council’s comments, endorsement and approval of the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation as required by legislation was considered.



That Council


adopted and approved the changes to the Constitution and Scheme of Delegation;



endorsed the changes to the then reviewed Constitution and Scheme of Delegation; and



referred the reviewed Constitution and Scheme of Delegation to Audit and Governance Committee for consideration and overview.



(Moved by Councillor R Pritchard and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)





Regulation of Members Conduct pdf icon PDF 15 KB

(The Report of the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer)


The Report of the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer to advise Members on the number of complaints received for the period 01 May 2015 until 30 April 2016 in relation to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct arsing from implementation of Part 1 Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 which introduced provisions to assist with the regulation of standards of conduct for elected and co-opted Councillors was considered.



That Members endorsed the findings of the contents of the report.



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)






Calendar of Meetings pdf icon PDF 449 KB

To receive the Calendar of Meetings for 2016/17


The Calendar of Meetings for 2016/17 was received and circulated at the meeting



That Members accept the Calendar of Meetings for 2016/17



(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)