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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Announcement made by the Mayor Councillor K Norchi:-


I would like to say a few words to thank everybody. I would like to start with thanking my mother. Without my mom obviously I wouldn’t be here. Mom has always been there if we ever needed anything and she always sorted things out. My father passed away some years ago now but I would like to thank all the family although there are too many to go through, close friends and friends who have been with me over the years and who have put much effort in. A lot of you sitting here may remember my late good friend Bob Sharpe. Shame Bob can’t be with us here tonight. I wonder where I would be without Bob? He was a character and just a great man. I want to thank you all personally as well because no matter which side of the bench you sit on I think you are all great people. We have our disagreements about politics but as far as I’m concerned that’s as far as it goes. It’s the people out there that need help they need us to be working for them. Once again thinking of those people none of us would be sitting here. They need us. Obviously there are 1001 things to think of as Peter Seekings said earlier on. If it wasn’t for Peter I would never have dreamed of becoming a Councillor. He took me to a Labour Party meeting and the rest is history now. I thank Peter very much. I won’t go on for an hour and a half as I know you all want a drink and a bite to eat. I invite you all into the parlour and hope to speak to as many of you as I can. Thank you for your support.


Announcement made by the Leader of the Council Councillor D Cook:-


Sorry Mr Mayor with your indulgence we have a professional photographer here tonight that is going to take photographs of the new members. For many years I have toured other Council’s around the country and every single Council seems to have a tradition that we don’t have. As tonight as we have a photographer I would like to give it a go with everyone’s indulgence at the end how about we get a photograph of all of the Councillors together at the Mayor Making with all the Councillors behind you? I would be grateful if everyone would be available for a photograph afterwards?


Announcement made by the Deputy Leader of the Council Councillor R Pritchard:-


Congratulations on your election to office. In the light of the Constitution to award former members of the Council or served more than 3 consecutive terms Aldermen status I have pleasure in presenting to the Council tonight a list of former such members of the Council. Can I thank Councillor A James for giving up lots of hours especially on a Saturday afternoon to go through the list and I also understand that members of the Opposition did so as well. They have done an equal amount of gofering! This list in addition to John Garner is to the best of our knowledge complete and so therefore I would like to move that the Council arrange a later date to decide to award the Aldermen status.


This was voted on an a unanimous decision was made to arrange a date for an Extraordinary Council meeting to be held


Announcement made by Councillor M Gant:-


Simon Peaple mentioned John Wells earlier. This is just to say that I went to the Memorial Service and I had a lovely message off Diane Wells thanking me for the tribute paid to John on behalf of the Council and Ken and myself. It was very much appreciated and he had a really good send off.


Announcement made by the Mayor Councillor K Norchi:-


The Mayor invited Margaret Clarke and Marion Couchman forward to accept a Certificate for his appreciation for their services carried out whilst Councillors at Tamworth Borough Council.