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Reopening High Streets Safely Fund

Meeting: 24/09/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

17 Reopening High Streets Safely Fund pdf icon PDF 1 MB

(To receive an update from the Assistant Director Growth & Regeneration)


The Chair welcomed the Portfolio Holder for Heritage and Regeneration, Councillor J Oates, the Assistant Director, Growth and Regeneration, Ms A Miller, the Assistant Director, Operations and Leisure, Ms S McGrandle and the Business Support Coordinator, Mr R Holder to the meeting.


The Assistant Director, Growth and Regeneration reported that the Government had made available a fund to councils to establish safe trading practices in the high street.  Tamworth Borough Council had received access to up to £67,455 just a few weeks before the non-essential shops were allowed to start re-opening.  The funding was provided by the European Regional Development Fund and was aimed at the high street and neighbourhood local shops.


The Assistant Director, Growth and Regeneration introduced the Business Support Coordinator who took the Committee through the circulated presentation.  The Business Support Coordinator highlighted to the Committee that:

·       The Town Safe project had four key strands which focussed on a highly visible presence by the team to support business and public confidence 

·       The project was temporary with enough funding until the end by October 2020

·       A Shop Safe team was created with team members seconded from within the council, who visibly engaged and communicated with business and the public

·       Action plans for the pre-recovery and recovery phase were developed, a tender had been issued to support developing the transformation phase

·       A five step guidelines to safer working together was implemented, with 272 businesses in the town centre and 143 businesses across the neighbourhood having been visited and briefed by the team

·       Signage to remind shoppers of social distancing requirements was out early, before non-essential shops re-opened on 15th June 2020 and tailored to Tamworth with the shield yourself like a saxon theme

·       In the main feedback had been really positive

·       The development of the Council’s knowledge of the business community, and increased engagement had forged positive relationships

·       The Shop Safe team had no enforcement powers and relied on building relationships with business community as well as the environmental health team and local police

·       The footfall within the town centre remained around half or pre-COVID-19 levels, with a focus on transactional activity, and less social activity, including less browsing


The Assistant Director, Operations and Leisure provided an update on the reopening of sports provision, in particular the Anker Valley football pitches.  Since 4 July 2020 the focus had been on re-opening facilities and undertaking risk assessments.  One key difference at the facilities was reported to be the access to the building which was currently limited to the use of the toilet provision only with a one way system. Junior football had recommenced with limited spectators and staggered start times.  Adult football was recommencing on 27th September with no spectators. Hand sanitisation stations had been installed and all facilities were under constant review. All outlying grass pitches were also open for use.


Resolved that the meeting be extended beyond 8.30pm following a motion under schedule 1 Rule 9.1.13 of the Constitution.


(Moved by Councillor R Ford and seconded by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17