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Meeting attendance

Thursday, 13th December, 2012 6.00 pm, Council

Venue:   Town Hall, Market Street, Tamworth

Contact:    Democratic Services 01827 709264

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Tina Clements Chair Present
Councillor John Garner Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Lee Bates Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Brian Beale Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Margaret Clarke Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Steven Claymore Committee Member Present
Councillor Daniel Cook Committee Member Present
Councillor Chris Cooke Committee Member Present
Councillor Marion Couchman Committee Member Present
Councillor Stephen Doyle Committee Member Present
Councillor John Faulkner Committee Member Present
Councillor David Foster Committee Member Present
Councillor Ken Gant Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Maureen Gant Committee Member Present
Councillor Michael Greatorex Committee Member Present
Councillor Garry Hirons Committee Member Present
Councillor Andrew James Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Kingstone Committee Member Present
Councillor Allan Lunn Committee Member Present
Councillor Matthew McDermid Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard McDermid Committee Member Present
Councillor Ken Norchi Committee Member Present
Councillor Jeremy Oates Committee Member Present
Councillor Dr. Simon Peaple Committee Member Present
Councillor Robert Pritchard Committee Member Present
Councillor Steven Pritchard Committee Member Present
Councillor Evelyn Rowe Committee Member Present
Councillor Peter Seekings Committee Member Present
Councillor Patrick Standen Committee Member Present
Councillor Michelle Thurgood Committee Member Apologies
Anthony E Goodwin Officer In attendance
John Wheatley Officer Apologies
Jane Hackett Officer In attendance
Andrew Barratt Officer In attendance
Stefan Garner Officer In attendance
Michael Buckland Officer In attendance
Karen Taylor Officer In attendance
Lara Allman Officer In attendance
Linda Street Officer In attendance