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Issue details

Renewal of Heating Systems to Sheltered Schemes - Virement of Budgets

Report outlines the need for the unplanned renewal of the heating systems to two sheltered housing schemes. This will entail viring budgets within the HRA Capital Programme to fund the works.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Spend or forego income or raise additional income or make savings > £100,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Belgrave Ward; Stonydelph Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/07/2015

Anticipated restriction: Exempt  - View reasons

Decision due: 20 Aug 2015 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods

Lead director: Corporate Director Growth, Assets and Environment

Contact: Paul Weston, Assistant Director Assets Email:

Consultation process

Consulation on delivery proposals with housing and finance.


Director responsible for housing.
Head of Landlord Services
Housing repairs manager

Reason No Public Access: Contains information on costs that are considered to be of a commercially sensitive nature.

Agenda items


  • Renewal of Heating Systems to Sheltered Schemes - Virement of Budgets