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Issue details

Corporate Vision, Priorities Plan, Budget & Medium Term Financial Strategy 2013/14

For Members to approve the Single Corporate Vision & Strategic Priorities for 2013/14 and the recommended package of budget proposals to enable the Council to agree the:

General Services Revenue budget and Council Tax for 2013/14;

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget for 2013/14;

the Capital Programme;

the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).
To comply with the requirement of the Council’s Treasury Management Policy in reporting to Council the proposed Treasury Management Strategy Statememt, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Statement for the forthcoming year and the Local Government Act 2003 with the reporting of the Prudential Indicators.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Spend or forego income or raise additional income or make savings > £100,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 26 Feb 2013 by Council

Lead member: Leader of the Council

Lead director: Executive Director, Corporate Services

Contact: Stefan Garner, Executive Director Finance Email:

Consultation process

Discussions with Executive Board following Budget
Consultation with local residents, businesses and
stakeholders including the Joint Scrutiny Committee (Budget)


Executive Board
Local residents, businesses
and stakeholders
Joint Scrutiny Committee (Budget)

Confidential/NonConfidential: Non-Confidential


Agenda items


  • Corporate Vision, Priorities Plan, Budget & Medium Term Financial Strategy 2013/14