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Issue - decisions

Locality Working Review

14/11/2011 - Locality Working Review

The report of the Leader, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, seeking to review progress against the original aims of Locality Working, reflecting on activity to date, identifying motivators and barriers; considering progress in light of present strategic partnership structures and priorities, reflecting on how the present model fits with central government priorities such as Big Society and Localism; discussing with stakeholders, their understanding, experience and assessment of LW, and making recommendations to Tamworth Borough Councils (TBC) Cabinet and the Tamworth Strategic Partnerships (TSP) to amend or adapt the model to maintain progress was considered.






the report be endorsed and the progress to date be noted, and;



The recommendations be supported as outline proposals for the Next Steps, and;



The report to progress to the next meeting of the Tamworth Strategic Partnership be authorised.



Cabinet agree, as the principle members of Budget Review Group, to wholeheartedly back Locality Working.


(Moved by Councillor M Greatorex and seconded by Councillor D Cook)