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Tamworth Borough Council Commissioning Review and Commissioning Intentions

25/06/2013 - Tamworth Borough Council Commissioning Review and Commissioning Intentions

The report of the Portfolio Holder for Community Development and Voluntary Sector updating members on and seeking approval for the next stages of Commissioning Cycle 2, including the shaping of new services and the potential reduction and decommissioning of some existing services, based on the needs assessment, developing the structures needed to support the implementation of the Public Sector Commissioning Framework and ultimately joint commissioning through a Public Sector Commissioning Board, and build on current commissioning practice and momentum, leading the way in Tamworth in relation to joined up commissioning was considered.








the estimated spend in each area of need;



the proposal to publish Tamworth Borough Council’s commissioning intentions;



the Commissioning Board engage fully in the development of the service outline process led by the Commissioning Board;



the development of a de-commissioning guidelines and best practice document to enable more effective and efficient commissioning in Tamworth, and;



Cabinet selected their preferred option as Option 2:

Option 2. To reduce the family support services element by £10,000 per annum to £15,000 per annum all be endorsed.




(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor D Cook)


Cabinet wish to minute their appreciation of the work undertaken by Fleur Fernando, Karen Adderely and Karen Clancy on Commissioning.