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Issue - decisions

Constitution & Scheme of Delegation Review

29/08/2024 - Constitution & Scheme of Delegation Review

Report of the Leader of the Council / Monitoring Officer to obtain the Council’s approval to the refreshed Constitution (including the Scheme of Delegation).


The Committee Considered the recommendation to approve and adopt the Council’s refreshed Constitution (including the Scheme of Delegation) at Appendix 1.



A motion to amend the recommendation was proposed by Councillor M Summers.




that Council:




 Approved and adopted the Council’s refreshed Constitution (including the Scheme of Delegation) at Appendix 1 and introduce a postage allowance and budget for nonpolitical mailings, such as advertisement of councillors surgeries, to residents in our wards, controlled by democratic services. The Amount of which to be determined as appropriate.




(Moved by Councillor M Summers and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)