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Social Housing Regulatory Programme Update

21/10/2024 - Social Housing Regulatory Programme Update

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness and Planning To update Cabinet on the latest position regarding compliance with the Regulator Social Housing (RSH) Consumer Standards, published with effect from 2nd April 2024 and to  support any emerging and/or additional recommendations arising from Corporate Scrutiny meeting on 09th October 2024; further informed by discussions at the Homelessness & Housing Advisory Board meeting on 1st October 2024.



That Cabinet



Acknowledged progress regarding the areas identified for self-referral to the Regulator Social Housing, summarised at Annex one


Approved the Tenant Impact & Risk Assessment arising from the Self-referral developed with Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Services, shown at Annex Two



Supported Homelessness & Housing Advisory Board discussions on the 1st October 2024 to progress the Autumn Roadshow consulting on the Tenant Involvement & Engagement Strategy launched at the Tenant Conference (16/9/24), Summarised at Annex Three; and



Agree recruitment of an independent Tenant Advocate to the Homelessness & Housing Advisory Board to support the Tenant Voice – referring details to Appointments & Staffing Committee for formal approval



(Moved by Councillor B Clarke and seconded by Councillor S Daniels)



Members thanked officers for their work and support on this report.