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Issue - decisions

Disabled Adaptations Policy

30/08/2024 - Disabled Adaptations Policy

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness and Planning asked  for Cabinet to approve and formally adopt the Housing Assistance Policy (Appendix A) for the delivery of mandatory and discretionary Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) for private sector residents, and in the interim period of not having a Council Adaptations Policy, adopt the same Policy position and foundations for Council delivery.


 In addition, approve and formally adopt the Interim Policy Position Statement (IPPS) for Council adaptations in scenarios where the Council can reject, refuse, of pend permission for an adaptation request, for example where tenants are intending to purchase their property, are in arrears or facing eviction action, or are looking to move home, and the exceptional circumstances that will be used for applying discretion in these scenarios (Appendix B).





that Cabinet:




Approved and adopts the assistance provided by the Council under the draft Housing Assistance Policy (Appendix A)


Approved and adopts the inclusion of the various ‘Discretionary Schemes’.


 Approved and adopts the utilisation of the Policy to cover Council adaptations until such a time as a separate Policy can be submitted.


 Approved and adopts the Interim Policy Position Statement for Council adaptations (Appendix B) for adoption.




(Moved by Councillor B Clarke and seconded by Councillor L Smith)