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Issue - decisions

High Rise Fire Safety

22/03/2012 - High Rise Fire Safety

The Report of the Portfolio Holder Quality of Life setting out the Council’s response to the latest guidance commissioned by the DCLG ensuring fire safety in high-rise and flatted accommodation was considered.







The actions taken so far to ensure the continued fire safety for residents of the high-rise and other flatted accommodation as set out in the action plan be supported, and;



Un-planned expenditure of approximately £135,000 has been met from existing HRA repairs budget, and that the financial fore-cast at this stage is still predicting an under spend on the repairs budget be noted.



The use of contingency (up to a maximum of £100,000) to meet this unplanned expenditure should there be a risk of an over spend as the final accounts are prepared, and full and final invoices are received at year end for the required works be approved.

(Moved by Councillor M Oates and seconded by Councillor D Cook)