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Issue - decisions

Revised Structure to Support the Establishment of the New Shared Legal Service

27/01/2020 - Revised Structure to Support the Establishment of the New Shared Legal Service

Councillor P Standen left the meeting.


The Executive Director Organisation and Head of Paid Servicesought approval for revision to structures within the Elections and Legal and Democratic Services teams to support the establishment of a Shared Services Agreement with Lichfield District Council and South Staffordshire District Council, and to agree the commencement of formal consultation with those directly affected.



That the Committee:



Approved the proposed structure within the Legal and Democratic Services team as detailed within the report



Approved the staffing changes within the Elections Team as detailed within the report



Authorised the Executive Director Organisation to implement the changes including the completion of formal consultation with those directly affected by the proposed changes


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Doyle)