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Landlord Regulation - Councils Stock retained services

13/02/2020 - Landlord Regulation - Councils Stock retained services

The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services and Communities on Landlord Regulation:-


  • highlighted to Cabinet the Regulatory Social Housing (RSH) requirements in relation to the Council Stock retained service; as detailed in the regulator’s annual consumer report shown here
  • Proposed Tenants’ annual performance report (2018/19) evidencing compliance and opportunities for continual improvement for the Council’s stock retained service.
  • Updated Cabinet with regard to changing requirements of the RSH  around participating with the Local Authority rent data collection pilot on a voluntary basis in 2019/20.




that Cabinet:



1.    Approved the draft `Neighbourhood Services Annual 2018/19` report (Appendix A) for circulation to all the Council’s tenants via the Council’s website as required by the Regulator Social Housing.  Evidencing involvement and effective scrutiny by tenants of their landlord’s performance;



2.    Delegated authority to the Assistant Director Neighbourhoods in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Communities to make any necessary amendments to the draft Neighbourhood Services Annual Report 2018/19 prior to digital circulation;



3.    Approved and supported a targeted independent review of landlord services against the Regulator Social Housing (RSH) Consumer Standards to assist with continual improvement, compliance and enable officers to maximise improvement opportunities across the range of corporate teams delivering the Councils stock retained services;



4.    Supported the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) requirement for registered providers of social housing including local authorities in England to meet the relevant regulatory standards set by the RSH and the summary findings of the RSH’s Consumer Regulation Review for the year 2018/19 (Appendix E);



5.    Acknowledged the Regulator Social Housing’s (RSH) correspondence sent to all Chief Executives of housing stock-owning local authority’s on17th May 2019 setting out member’s obligations for ensuring compliance with the RSH’s consumer standards and to ensure performance is scrutinised;



6.    Approved participation in the Regulator Social Housing’s (RSH) rent data collection pilot on a voluntary basis in 2019/20 with a further report back to Cabinet in Spring 2020 when the full impact of the new rent directions has been assessed.



(Moved by Councillor M Cook and seconded by Councillor J Chesworth)