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Issue - decisions

Statement of Community Involvement and Local Development Scheme 2018-2021

04/07/2019 - Statement of Community Involvement and Local Development Scheme 2018-2021

The Portfolio Holder for Heritage and Growth is seeking Cabinet approval to adopt and publish a new Statement of Community Involvement and Local Development Scheme. An update on the Council’s position in respect of the delivery of housing and employment land targets within the adopted local plan is also included within the report



That Cabinet;



Resolved to adopt the content of the new Statement of Community Involvement included in appendix A from 01 November 2018; and that approval was given for officers to carry out final word processing of the document prior to publication



Resolved to adopt the 2018-2021 Local Development Scheme, included in appendix B with effect from 01 November 2018 and;



Endorsed the Statement of Common Ground that has been agreed with Lichfield District Council and North Warwickshire Borough Council which details the arrangements for the delivery of Tamworth’s unmet housing and employment land need.



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)