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Issue - decisions

Castle Review

04/07/2019 - Castle Review

The Portfolio Holder for Heritage and Growth updated Members on the continued review of the Castle, methods of operation of the Castle and sought permission to commence the implementation of the recommendations from the review.




That Cabinet


Approved the proposed changes as detailed in the report to the general public opening hours of the castle and that they commence in April 2019



Gave approval for the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration to develop a new staff structure and operating method for consideration and approval by Appointments and Staffing Committee



Members endorsed the commencement of formal consultation with staff / trade unions with regards to the implementation of a new staffing structure.



Agreed that any investment requirements for the castle would be considered as part of the Capital Budget process on a return on investment basis.



Gave approval for the Assistant Director Growth and Regeneration to prepare and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Friends of Tamworth Castle and Museum


That the following recommendations from Infrastructure Safety & Growth Scrutiny Committee (IS&G Committee) be approved:



That Cabinet investigated a commercial decision on the Heritage Day costing structure



That Cabinet received within 4 months an interim progress report on the short terms changes delivered by the implementation of the review, including online ticket sales



That Cabinet received within 12 months a full review on the impact of the changes delivered by the implementation of the review.


(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor M Thurgood)