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Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account Business Plan

(Discussion item from the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services and Neighbourhoods)


The Committee received a presentation from Councillor M Thurgood, the Assistant Director Neighbourhoods and the Assistant Director Assets on the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan requesting the support of the Committee to take the business plan before Cabinet.


The Assistant Director Neighbourhoods updated the Committee on the process which had been followed to date including the presentation to the Tenant Consultative Group.  The Assistant Director reported that members had received several documents ahead of the meeting for their consideration, which included the Executive Summary of the HRA Business Plan Review and the Equality Impact Assessment HRA Business Plan Review. 


The Assistant Director Neighbourhoods set out the reasons for maintaining the thirty year plan.  It was reported that Government policy changes including the limitation on rent increases and the reinvigoration of the right to buy scheme had led to a forecast reduction of £180m over the business plan period.  However, there remained borrowing headroom, and further opportunities could become available over the plan period.  The intention of the plan was to provide a baseline position against which changes would be assessed, including the impact of Government policy. 


The Assistant Director Neighbourhoods reported that the proposal to be recommended to Cabinet includes a HRA that would; maintain its minimum balances of £500,000; show a fully funded capital investment programme which would require debt funding in the later years; show an increased cost base in terms of such borrowing at the end of the 30 year period; and make full use of the Council’s right to buy attributable debts and local authority share receipts.  The work undertaken showed that the baseline forecasts suggested a sustainable business plan even with the forecast reduction as a result of rent reduction and right to buy reinvigoration. 


The Assistant Director Assets reported that the plan included provision to reinvest £298m over the plan period in the existing housing stock and that continued compliance with the Decent Homes Standard had been built into the plan. However further work would be undertaken through an asset condition survey which would help identify any areas where the assumed steady investment rate would be subject to significant variance.  It was expected that the results of this survey would be available in spring 2019 and these would support the more detailed programme of works to the housing stock over the coming 3-5 years.  The resources available in the business plan mean that the plan does not envisage the introduction of new stock (beyond the projects already in progress), without changing current activities.  This need to prioritise activities had been explained to the Tenant Consultative Group, which was supportive of the establishment of a locally determined priority budget for neighbourhood renewal and local priorities.


The Committee considered the desirability of ensuring that the Council had projects ready to launch when funding became available, particularly through wider regional or national initiatives.  Accordingly plans for regeneration of areas or assets which were not contained within the current business plan would need to be developed.


RESOLVED:  That the Committee support the work developing the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan and its presentation to Cabinet.


Councillor M Thurgood, the Assistant Director Neighbourhoods and Assistant Director Assets left the meeting.