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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Councillor Dr. S Peaple made the following announcements;

“First of all Mr Mayor can I ask the council’s indulgence to make a small announcement on behalf of councillor Ken Norchi who cannot be here today to make it himself which is to recognise that we have Gary Hunt who is one of the key people who organised the carnival that was so successful at the weekend. I’m sure they are grateful for the judging of the best float not entirely sure Councillor Clements agreed but that’s another matter, and can I take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to Councillor Clements who came and told us all about the injury and so one can only hope everything goes smoothly today and she’s back on her feet in good time.

Gary is here Mr Mayor and Councillor Norchi has asked me to say that he is very grateful to Gary for his leadership and to Dave Bradley.  Ken Gordon is with him who is one of the key people who was getting everything ready and one of my former colleagues and your current colleague, former Councillor Dennis Powick who all played a key role in Achieving what was a fantastic community event at the weekend. I understand that subject to pennies finally been counted we raised £4,000 for the charity itself and in addition to that there is the money that was raised by the community groups and others,  so Councillor Norchi said he booked his holiday before he knew any of this and therefore would like to say Mr Mayor thank you for coming along and to Gary and his colleagues for the tremendous work they did and also thank you to the council for their tremendous support and that he is feeling on the back of this success to look forward to a conversation with you as to continuing it next year.

So that’s the first announcement Mr Mayor I’m sure we would all agree Gary deserves a massive thank you.”


Councillor Mayor P Thurgood made the following comment

“I would endorse everything you have said it was a proud moment that I was able to go with the parade and see the people of the town enjoying themselves, everyone done a cracking job and I really do hope we see it again next year, Thank you.”


Councillor Dr. S Peaple went on to announce

“Mr Mayor I have been asked by my Colleagues to be the leader of the Labour group and can I announce the committee allocations which we have agreed following the recounting of the numbers of the people of the council, I have a copy for the controlling group and for the officers and one for the leader of the council, I also need to announce I have asked for Councillor Bishop to Shadow Councillor Doyle I understand they like going for drinks so would give them something to talk about. The work that is done in communities is very important therefore it can continue to be very important to both of you.

 I am very privileged it isn’t often I get to make these decisions that councillor S Peaple continues to shadow Councillor Thurgood with regards to housing and related matters and I’m absolutely delighted to have the strength of someone like Councillor Faulkner to shadow the deputy leader of accounts and his portfolio of assets and finance . John brings 20 years of experience to the council.

I’ve asked Councillor Standen to continue to shadow Councillor Claymore with some input from myself because of circumstances of particular interest overlap. In addition to that to shadow the IT part of councillor Chatsworth’s role in which we will deal with between us.

Thankyou Mr Mayor for that one other thing I should announce is that of next time because it wasn’t needed this time we will be sat slightly differently. Councillor Norchi asked me last January if he could sit where Councillor Seekings use to sit because Councillor Seeking s has been his mentor and brought him in to politics, I asked him to delay that whilst we were running the election.

I have kept my promise so I will be asking them to do that, so we will be sitting 3 and 3 because I can’t really put him there on his own and it means an awful lot to him. Thank you.”


 Councillor D Cook made the Following announcements;

“Thank you Mr Mayor couple of points from me, firstly I’m hoping to email all Councillors tomorrow we are hoping the secretary of state  will release the judgement on Arkall Farm tomorrow hopefully it’s in our favour either way I would like to thank all my colleagues across all sides of the chamber for the energy that’s gone in I’m sure we are all on the same page, the speed in which we all signed a letter a couple of months ago gave me great heart we are all on the same page. As soon as I see the judgment I will send it round.

Can’t go in to too much detail at the moment but let’s just say monies have been placed with a solicitor for a certain purchase that I won’t go in to many details for and I hope for confirmation in the morning that the purchase has finally been done.

Final one for me before I do the committee I would like to echo Councillor Peaple’s point about the work of Gary Hunt and the committee. Gary has driven me absolutely mental for the last couple of months with emails to resolve some issues; it’s been a pleasure to help resolve those. You do a fantastic job and thank you.

As Councillor Peaple raised Mr Mayor the adjusted committee structure one for yourself  Mr Mayor, one for the monitoring officer and one for each of the opposition group as per tradition and that’s me done Mr Mayor Thank you.”