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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The following announcements were made:-


Councillor Dr. S Peaple following the dissolution of the UKIP group it is beholden to the opposition to decide on how to share out the Committee places and although it would be very tempting as I cannot think of many groups whose views I share less than UKIP’s I would see no reason to mess with the Committee structure at this stage.  Mr Mayor, it be formally move in the absence of Councillor T Peaple on a leave of absence Councillor S Peaple will replace him on the Planning Committee.


(Moved by Councillor Dr. S Peaple and seconded by Councillor D Cook)



Councillor T Madge would like to officially inform Council members “as you are no doubt aware I have resigned my ambition from UKIP.  I will not go into great depths as to the reason behind my decision as it has been published in the Herald and local media.  Service to say I am most disappointed it came to this but UKIP are not the party they were when I joined.  It was a party that promised so much but has delivered so little.  I have nothing but admirations for the members of Tamworth UKIP who work tireless to promote UKIP in our town, they and the majority of UKIP members are not to blame for the present state of the party, the culprits are the leadership and the NEC who have grabbed defeat for the joys of victory and persistently dragged the party along the road to oblivion.  I would also like to take this opportunity to inform the Council that along with Councillor Cooke and Councillor Bilcliff have come together to form the Tamworth Independent and UKIP group for the purpose of Council, we work together to offer the residents of Tamworth an alternative to the present two party system in our Town.” 



Councillor D Cook announced that Councillor J Goodall has by her own decision stepped away from Cabinet due to personal matters.  “I would like to take this opportunity in front of all colleagues to say thank you to Councillor Goodall for her outstanding work for the last two years on Cabinet, she has really driven some ideas and some change within the portfolio and certainly driven the Castle Review that is currently about to go to Scrutiny and real fresh thinking and more commercial approach to the Castle.  To take the Green Bins scheme through full Council was no easy ask and she did it admirably, I would like to personally thank Councillor Goodall for her service, with that in mind myself and the Deputy Leader have decided not to replace the Cabinet position till the end of the municipal year.  If members (email to be circulated) wish to discuss anything within that portfolio myself and Councillor Thurgood will be covering Waste Management; Outdoor Events and Culture will be Councillor Pritchard; the Castle Review and any Heritage connection will be championed by Councillor Claymore, and if you have anything in relation to Tamworth in Bloom, Councillor Doyle has some history in this area and would be happy to help you out.  To officially put this on record and again thank Councillor Goodall for her absolute sterling work over the last two years as a Cabinet colleague.


Councillor Dr. S Peaple, having dealt with the formal business we extend our best wishes to Councillor Goodall as she has not been in the best of health of late and we hope that things will be better for her.  Can I take this opportunity; I mentioned it earlier that Councillor T Peaple took a leave of absence to take up a job in China.  Things are going okay, but can I just say that it has been a real pleasure to pass on best wishes from all sides of the chamber, from individuals who stopped us to tell us and I think it is a great thing about this Council that we can support each other in these personal areas whilst doing our combating in the political sphere and I would like to thank all those people from every side and aspect of the chamber who have sent on their best wishes to him, it has been a big help to him in forging his new career. 



Councillor C Cooke, as Councillor Madge has already said I have also resigned from the UKIP party and am carrying on as an Independent, it isn’t a decision I took lightly, but I want to put the Ward and residents first and in  my opinion that is the best way to do it.  Councillor Madge has forms a group including UKIP and I look forward to continuing to sit as a Councillor.