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Agenda item

Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Gordon Moore of Tamworth will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


"Would the Leader of the Council please invite all parties to forget their political allegiances and join together to take on the fight against Lichfield District Council to tell them we won't allow them to build on the borders of our town anymore? The people of Tamworth are fed up with their constant dumping on our town?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Thank you Mr Moore. The simple answer is yes, as I have already stated in my piece in the Herald 3 weeks ago we need to come to together this time. This is about Tamworth.


This Council’s position on the matter has been clear from the outset and formed the basis of several representations to Lichfield District Council Members and officers. We even objected to elements of LDC’s Local Plan. I reiterated this position which was reported in the local press.


It is not a new position for political reasons, it is a battle we have fought for quite a few years and I intend, with support to win.


I have asked officers to prepare a report to Cabinet later this month setting out the options available to us in respect of the current and any potential future developments with a view to drawing them to the attention of the relevant minister/Secretary of State.


We are working out the precise figure, so forgive the crude example. The urban footprint in Tamworth could grow by over 10% certainly the number of homes may because of the decisions of other Councils to park development on our doorstep. Tamworth Borough Council has very little say in this and certainly the town sees no new required infrastructure.


We are making the government aware.


Gordon Moore asked the following supplementary question:-


“Would Councillor Cook please confirm to me whether all parties are in agreement with my question, as I feel this is an important issue to the people of Tamworth?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


I would hope so I would genuinely hope so. I’ve heard some mutterings but haven’t had a full conversation yet. We are waiting on an answer from the Secretary of State currently with regards to Arkhall Farm. As soon as I have that I will meet with all party leaders to discuss the way forward.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Standen will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


“During the State of Tamworth Debate last month, the Leader of the Council when referring to the Homeless Night Shelter scheme run by Tamworth Churches said "The problem that we have with some of the voluntary groups around homelessness and shelters they own is that they don't carry safeguarding policies”; Does the Leader accept the feedback from members of local clergy that they do have safeguarding policies?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Firstly Mr Mayor can I genuinely thank Cllr Standen for the question and an opportunity to apologise in this chamber. At the State of the Borough debate my intention was to be positive about the work which is done by churches and voluntary organisations to tackle homelessness in Tamworth and to help those most vulnerable in our community, not just because this is one of the key priorities of the Borough Council, but because by working together, I believed we could do more. I am extremely sorry that my remarks have been taken out of context if you did not hear the whole speech and have thus caused hurt and upset.


I did not mean to suggest that the churches have no safeguarding policies in place – I know that they do and that they have responsible, nominated officers. What I was trying to convey was that the levels of safeguarding required of a church or voluntary group may differ from that required by Tamworth Borough Council, which also legislates for safeguarding, and that the expectations on the Council sometimes go further than those of other organisations. The complication was aligning our policies which I believe has been resolved.


The example I gave of trying to accommodate a 15-year-old-girl and a 55-year-old man in the same night shelter was an extreme example which I used to illustrate to my newer council colleagues the challenges faced every day in respect of safeguarding - the dilemma of ‘do we help the people or do we comply with the rules?’  I in no way intended to suggest it had actually happened in any Church. It was neither an attack nor a criticism of the work the churches do – I was trying to be positive and praise the hard work they do in difficult circumstances. The bizarre thing is everyone in the room that night knew exactly what I was trying to say, but it loses context when written down.


In the cold light of day I can see this example for colleagues was an entirely wrong choice of words and subject matter, I retract the example and offer my absolute and unreserved apologies to those who work and volunteer in tackling these issues in our society. While trying to be positive and promote this fine work and trying to explain the complication from our side of the issue my choice of words were clearly wrong and I should not have used them. For this I have already promised to write to the Churches in Tamworth apologising for the poor choice of words.


What is clear is that both the Tamworth churches and Tamworth Borough Council have an on-going and genuine commitment to working hard to help those people who find themselves homeless in Tamworth and to tackle those issues which lead to homelessness.


Councillor P Standen asked the following supplementary question:-


“Does the Leader of the Council like me believe that members of this council would benefit from working as volunteers in schemes such as the Winter Night Shelter?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Again I would like to thank Councillor Standen. It’s actually a rarity when questions are submitted to this Council to receive an e-mail by those asking questions to let the Councillor answering know the intent of the question. Councillor Standen is very genuine about this matter and I would really like to thank him. I believe everyone in the room knew what I was trying to say but I just got the wording wrong. It would benefit every member in this Chamber and all in our society would benefit by getting involved in the issue raised and in other aspects of volunteering around Tamworth. The third sector in Tamworth is something that we desperately need to protect while other authorities around us finance to commissioning to the voluntary sector this Council keeps pushing forward because we do not believe in the third sector. Councillor Standen is fundamentally correct to raise it.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Standen will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-



“Could you please advise what the cost of consultation with residents, local businesses and Community and Voluntary Groups has been for Tamworth Listens by year for the last three years?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Thank you Councillor Standen


I can confirm that for the Tamworth Listens member’s event the costs for the last three years were


2014/15 £689.50

2015/16 £448.50

2016/17 £347.50


In regards the total consultation budget, as Tamworth Listens is the overarching banner for all consultation, the total consultation budget for 2017/18 is £3,470 (for external support excluding internal staff time). However, Budget consultation costs around £3k p.a. and the Local Council tax reduction scheme consultation costs around £3k p.a. with the average cost of corporate consultation at £7,216 for the past 3 years.


Housing Tenant Participation (within the HRA) also has a tenant consultation budget of £19,050 (for external support excluding internal staff time) – the total budget for tenant participation (including staffing) is £199,450.


I have with me a full breakdown of the GF budgets you mention per year for the last three years. I won’t read out the whole thing, but happy to give it to you and submit it for the minutes if members are comfortable with this approach.


Consultation Costs











Tamworth Listens Theatre Hire




Budget Consultation




Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme consultation



incl above

SNAP Survey subscription




Fast hosts Website domain subscriptions








LG Inform plus / ESD toolkit




Question time postcards












Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Peaple will ask the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Culture, Councillor J Goodall, the following question:-


“Are there any plans to end our co-operation with Lichfield in terms of waste disposal?” 


Councillor J Goodall gave the following reply:-


As Members will be aware all services across all directorates of the Council are monitored and regularly reviewed to ensure they are providing effective and efficient services to our residents.


If improvement or greater efficiencies can be made, it will be carefully considered on a business case type approach to ensure we are always providing services that are delivering effectively to our community.


Councillor T Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-


“It was stated in the Tamworth Herald by Councillor Kingstone that many Councillors are considering ending the partnership as an act of retaliation over the Arkhall Farm development. Do you believe we should consider ending it for that reason?”


Councillor J Goodall gave the following reply:-


Each one should judge for themselves. I don’t think it is my place to answer for everyone.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Peaple will ask the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services, Councillor M Thurgood, the following question:-


“How many people are currently being housed by this council in temporary hotel accommodation and how many have been in the last few months?”


Councillor M Thurgood gave the following reply:-


Mr Mayor


I thank Councillor Peaple for his question. This is an incredibly important area for this Council’s housing team and especially for those who are currently in Bed and Breakfast accommodation.


As of 3rd April 2017 there are 26 Households in Bed and Breakfast accommodation plus a further 8 accommodated in Private Sector Leased properties. 


Over the 6 months from October 2016 to March 2017 a total of 59 households were placed in Bed and Breakfast Accommodation.


This is in comparison to 61 households in October 2015 to March 2016.


This includes 16 households where there are children of which there are a total of 20 children.


Homeless households are awarded priority under the Council’s allocations scheme  and I can confirm that all of those who are currently calling a Bed and Breakfast home have move on plans and we will shortly be implementing personal housing plans in preparation for the new Homeless Reduction Bill


Thank you