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Agenda item

Tamworth Enterprise Quarter

(The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration)


The Portfolio Holder for Regeneration updated Members with progress to the Enterprise Quarter project.




That Members


approved the revised project timetable;



noted the amended capital profile for the overall project and revenue budget for the Enterprise Centre which are included in the Medium Term Financial Strategy report  elsewhere on this agenda;



endorsed the current design of the Assembly Rooms and gives delegated Authority to the Corporate Director (Growth, Assets and Environment) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration to agree minor amendment’s and to authorise the final design;



give authority to make use of the County Councils existing arrangements for professional services and contractors for the detailed design and construction of various elements of the project if required;



approved the operating name of the business centre as the Tamworth Enterprise Centre;



approved the Tamworth Enterprise Centre pricing, services offered, the policies and the draft licence agreement and gives delegated authority to the Corporate Director (Growth, Assets and Environment) to finalise and approve;



requested that a long term business plan for the Enterprise Centre is produced and brought back to Cabinet in the next 12 months which will set the operating budget based upon demand;



approved the marketing and branding proposals for the Enterprise Centre;



authorised a waiver from the financial regulations to appoint a specialist consultant to undertake marketing of the Enterprise Centre if required;



approved the creation of a new role to run the Enterprise Centre and gives authority to start the recruitment process subject to a report to Appointment and Staffing Committee;



endorsed the design of the public realm and gives authority to the Corporate Director (Growth, Assets and Environment) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration to agree minor amendment’s and to approve the final design;



noted the design of the library; and



approved the TIC project initiation document



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor D Cook)


Supporting documents: