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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The following Announcements were made:-


The Deputy Mayor Councillor J Chesworth:-


As you may already be aware last Thursday former Councillor and Mayor and importantly to me my father Peter Chesworth passed away at the age of 82 after a short illness. He hadn’t been in great health for some time and spent the last few months living happily in Standen House Nursing Home. The only times that he went out was to appointments but he was delighted to take part in the photographs for former Mayors organised by Richard Kingstone and more recently the Alderman presentation. He took great pleasure in showing the certificate to the staff in Standen House and I know that he was very proud of the award. At this point and as it is customary in these circumstances I would like you to stand for a minute’s silence.



Councillor S Peaple:-


At the meeting of the Labour Group last night we wanted to present this to you Councillor Chesworth sending our condolences. It was an enormous pleasure in seconding his nomination as Alderman. It was obvious how much it meant to him and the recognition of that service. As I said in my e-mail to the Deputy Mayor how he was very proud of the service and just wanted to thank him on behalf of the Labour Group.



The Mayor Councillor K Norchi:-


Tony Hill was asked to come forward to receive his certificate as Alderman.



Councillor R Pritchard:-


Unfortunately you missed the main ceremony where we confirmed the other Alderman. You missed our eloquent and beautiful speeches that we made. The Council wanted to thank you for your support and service on giving up your time and energies for helping to improve Tamworth. The Council very much appreciated that so on behalf of everyone we would very much like to thank you. I’m sure Councillor Peaple would like to say something a bit more personal.



Councillor S Peaple:-


As on the previous occasions it gives me pleasure to say something about the recipient. In the case of Councillor Hill my immediate predecessor as shared the Leisure Committee and was a man who had great success as Chair of Leisure in terms of Britain in Bloom. He was a man who showed us a lot. You helped young Councillors coming along at that point like Councillor Standen. They learnt a lot from Councillor Hill. What we also realised was the juggling of a full time job being a distinguished member of the fire service and now a publican. With that public service you have set a standard for the rest of us to follow. I wish you well and that this will mean something to you because part of your life that you have given up for this service. Thank you for everything and the example that you have shown for us to follow.



Alderman Tony Hill:-


Thank you very much for the nomination and the honour.


Simon was speaking about predecessors and various bits and pieces and I would just like to mention, forgive me for saying this, but two people spring to mind who are no longer with us Ian Trenfield and Mick Johnson who would no doubt have qualified, with their background, for this had they still been with us, but unfortunately they are no longer with us.


Thank you very much it is an honour.



The Mayor Councillor K Norchi:-


I know that Alderman John Garner would have liked to have said a few words tonight. I am sure John is a very proud man sitting here. He wanted to speak for the entire new Alderman who has been nominated this year and I also know that he passed a few comments to John Chesworth about the passing of his father.



The Leader of the Council Councillor D Cook:-


A confession and a motion made from me this evening. I wish to move a motion under Paragraph 4.13 (f) of the Constitution to clarify a minute of the Council on 13 September 2016 namely minute number 24 relating to the Chief Executive’s pay. It should have stated, however I delivered it incorrectly, £112,000.00. As Councillor Peaple will remember that was the motion passed from Appointments and Staffing Committee. As I did not explain this properly in the meeting it resulted in the minute actually stating £111,338.00 which basically means we are not giving the Chief Executive the pay increase which was actually promised. Accordingly my motion to actually rectify this and set the Chief Executive’s pay to £112,000.00 from 13 September 2016 plus on costs.


(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Peaple)