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Agenda item

Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Madge will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook the following question:-


“Can you inform Council Members how many new houses were completed in the last 12 months and if this is in line with the quoted average of 177 units per annum in HG1 of the Local Plan?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


I can confirm the number of homes completed in the monitoring period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 is 69.


Clearly this is below the Local Plan target, but the Local plan anticipates not achieving the target in this year (although not to this extent – it estimated 121 completions) in the trajectory which is part of the Local Plan. However, at the end of the monitoring year there were 114 houses which were under constructions and a further 2,401 which had consent but hadn’t started (Anker Valley and Golf Course take a large proportion of this).


No supplementary question was asked




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Standen will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook the following question:-


“Policy EN6 - Protecting the Historic Environment, of the Council’s Local Plan states that “will be protected, conserved and, where possible, enhanced” when referring to our local heritage. Will the Leader of the Council and other members of the executive when they come to consider the proposals referred to Cabinet from Aspire and Prosper Scrutiny regarding local listing and other protections for Wilnecote Board Schools keep this in mind when they are making a decision?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


The question from Councillor Standen only quotes part of the Policy EN6 from the Local Plan. The Policy that the extract Councillor Standen has quoted from is about development and requires applicants to assess the impact of the proposal, the significance of the heritage asset and demonstrate how the significance will be protected, conserved and, where possible, enhanced.


This policy is in relation to planning applications for development, and therefore is a policy for Planning Committee to consider rather than Cabinet.


However, we hope to ensure that when Aspire and Prosper Committee report back to Cabinet that officers are asked to prepare a report to enable Cabinet to consider the recommendation fully and its implications to the building and of course Tamworth Borough Council.


As I have stated many times, I am sympathetic on this occasion to the aims of the TDCS in regards Wilnecote Boarding School. In fact I suspect I am the first Leader of this town to fully state publically that too often in the last century Tamworth Borough Council allowed bulldozers through our heritage, but actions we take must be justifiable. Both legally and financially.


Councillor P Standen asked the following supplementary question:-


“As someone who grew up in Wilnecote and has lived there most of my adult life, I cannot stress enough how important it is to protect our local heritage and I personally was very glad to see the consensus across all parties represented on this Council at the Aspire and Prosper working group investigating this issue. Does Leader of the Council believe it is important that we as Councillors today learn from the mistakes made during the 1960’s when many magnificent buildings in Tamworth were lost to future generations?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


I share in your sentiments Councillor Standen. It is pleasing to see the Cross Party Working Group. There has been a history of some bad planning made in the past. Sometimes we got it right and other times we got it wrong.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Standen will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook the following question:-


“I have been contacted by residents concerned about the closure of mental health charity “Changes” in Tamworth at the end of next month, expressing concern regarding the impact of this on vulnerable members of our community. Will the Leader of the Council use the influence of his office to encourage Staffordshire County Council and Central Government to ensure that changes affecting those with mental health issues in Tamworth are done as sensitively as possible?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Thank you Councillor Standen for your quite important question. Already some residents and users have taken this matter up with me and I have put them in touch with Cllr Alan White, Cabinet member for Health at the County Council. I believe his response covers your question.


Thank you for email correspondence.


One of our key priorities is to ensure people with mental health issues get the support they need to help them recover and lead a fulfilling life.


We have made some changes to the way we support people with a mental illness and have re-commissioned the mental health social inclusion and recovery services across the County. This is to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our residents that require support for their mental illness and that we focus resource for those most in need to ensure they can recover within the communities in which they live.


The criteria for the new service has not changed and anyone actively receiving support will be offered the choice to transfer into the new service. The funding levels for the service have not been reduced from the current funding levels.


We understand that any change is unsettling, as a Council we are obliged to put contracts out to tender to ensure we are using our resources effectively and we do this every few years.


The new provider for the Tamworth area is called Together for Mental Wellbeing and they will be working closely with Changes, service users and volunteers over the next few weeks for the new service to begin on 1 November.


No supplementary question was asked




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor S Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook the following question:-


“Would Councillor Cook please confirm that Tamworth Borough Council opposes the demolition of the buildings known as the former Moorgate School?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


The Council recognises the heritage interest of the former Moorgate schools. Hence they are included within the Hospital Street Conservation Area and indeed the Conservation Area has them at its heart. Some of the buildings are also included on the local list.


So I suspect in part the answer is yes.


Councillor S Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-


“Therefore can I ask for a consultation and working group similar to Wilnecote. Can we can all to work together on a proposal to join with me in a way I presume the heritage of the town?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


I will talk to Councillor Peaple on the way forward.




As the questions relate to the same matter the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration dealt with them together


Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor S Peaple will ask the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Councillor S Claymore the following question:-


“In the light of recent ministerial changes, would Councillor Claymore please update the council on the continuing progress of the new combined authority for our region?”


Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor A James will ask the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Councillor S Claymore the following question:-


“Can the Leader of the Council please confirm what role/value, or similar work do our partners like LEPS and Combined Authorities mean to Tamworth now the UK is leaving the EU?”

Councillor S Claymore gave the following reply:-


The role of the LEPS & Combined Authorities will play an even more important role leading up to and once Article 50 is triggered. Our partnerships with the WMCA & GBS LEP will maximise opportunities by allowing us a greater voice, being representative of large (and growing) footprint both in area, population, resources and political power which will allow us to


  1. Maximise opportunities to effectively utilise resources focused on needs of the greater communities and provision of efficient and effective services;
  2. Enable more joined up thinking to expand economic development and prosperity within the region;
  3. Allow  more joint submission for any central grants that may be available in a way that individual authorities would not have the economies of scale etc to enable a successful grant application;
  4. Allow all partners to effectively work together to improve the economic wellbeing of the area;
  5. To be able to pool resources , reduce waste by working together though Health, Environment , Economic Development etc that areas receive appropriate resources (from a Central Pot) to improve standards both in Health Education & Employment opportunities and prosperity.


This region has spent the past decade laying strong economic foundations.  That makes us incredibly resilient against any economic downturn that may come from Brexit.


We were hit hardest by the 2008 financial crisis - we know how to rebuild an economy after major financial shocks.  We have shown Britain the way on infrastructure investment, construction and on attracting foreign direct investment.


The economy is diversified - our automotive, aerospace, life sciences and professional services, are all now internationally competitive;


We have a strong skills base and have invested heavily in infrastructure;


Greater Birmingham is creating more businesses than any other region outside London.


Major investors have confirmed they remain committed to projects in the region;


Work will continue on the £200 million Three Snowhill scheme, which will create 450 construction jobs and house up to 4000 office workers when it is completed.  HSBC have confirmed their commitment to relocate their ring fenced bank to Arena Central in 2017.  This relocation is set to bring 1200 new jobs. This is along with an active pipeline of over 80 enquiries for further investment in the region.


Greater Birmingham has become one of the UK's most attractive investment destinations and a major gateway to the world.  We are competing internationally as a business location - and winning major investments as a result."


We see Brexit as an opportunity, not a challenge.  The region has a plan to attract further investment from around the globe, including;


the creation of a new foreign investment HQ for the Midlands, which will bring £15 million of foreign investment into the region over the next three years.  Bringing together the Midland's 11 local enterprise partnerships and staff from the UKTI.


Working closely with lead generation partners around the globe to ensure that messages are getting through to potential investors that our fundamental strengths as an investable region have not changed.           


Of course we need Government to continue to invest heavily in the regions. We have had a very good working relationship with Government in the past and we see no reason or any indication that this won't continue under the new structure.


Greg Clark has argued that the Government must continue to give regional economies even more power.


Government have confirmed their commitment to HS2 and whatever views anyone has on this, we have to acknowledge its vital importance to the future economy of the west midlands and how much this is imbedded within the SEPs of both the LEP and CA. You can however be sure that we have and will continue to look for and make the very most of all the jobs and economic growth opportunities this project offers.


Last month Sajid Javid whilst announcing the transfer of the first £36.5M payment of the devolution deal directly to the West midlands combined Authority said`  The people of the west midlands came up with a devolution deal which puts them in charge of driving growth and transforming local services. Today's £36.5M boost is proof that we will equip them with what they need to fire up the midlands engine, the ability to boost long term growth, create jobs, improve skills and invest in transport and innovation.


We can't be sure what the outcome of Brexit will bring but what is essential is that we have positioned ourselves within the LEP and CA to manage it and realise the very best opportunities for Tamworth whatever may come in the future.


Councillor S Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-


“At a recent Aspire and Prosper meeting Councillor Bilcliff put forward that it is better to stay with Staffordshire. Can Councillor Claymore confirm that Staffordshire Combined Authority is yet to exist?”


Councillor S Claymore gave the following reply:-


There is no offer on the Combined Authority on the table that includes Staffordshire. There exists a Stoke and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership which Danny is now on the board. Massive offering from West Midlands meant a Staffordshire Combined Authority would not be able to compete with the West Midlands Combined Authority.


Councillor A James had no supplementary question to ask




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Peaple will ask the Portfolio Holder for Assets and Finance, Councillor R Pritchard the following question:-


“What progress has been made regarding plans to invest the capital receipts gained from the sale of the golf course site?”


Councillor R Pritchard gave the following reply:-


The Council is establishing a Corporate Investment Strategy, as approved by cabinet on Thursday the 16th June.


This will oversee the direction of investment for the Golf Course receipts, in order to get the best value return for the tax payer and generate sustainable income for the authority.


Councillor T Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-

“The building has begun so when will we see the results?”


Councillor R Pritchard gave the following reply:-


As soon as possible is the answer. It’s an investment for the whole town and with revenue to deliver all public services to the town.


It is in very early stages as the council is not yet in receipts of the full sale value of the golf course.


Members will be updated and consulted in due course, as the strategy develops.
