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Agenda item

Tamworth Local Plan

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education)


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education sought to gain approval from Council to adopt the Tamworth Local Plan 2006 – 2031 in-line with the Inspector’s report and the listed Main Modifications to make the Plan sound and legally compliant. Once adopted the new Local Plan will replace the current Local Plan (2001 – 2011) and become the statutory development plan for Tamworth.


As a result of a named vote it was:-



That Council


adopted the Tamworth Local Plan 2006 – 2031 and Policies Map through formal resolution of the Council in line with the Inspector’s report and Main Modification recommendations to ensure the submitted Plan is sound and legally compliant and in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and the Localism Act.



identified the Other Modifications during the examination process are made to the Local Plan and Policies Map.



endorsed the Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement which has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. 



in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, The Local Plan, Adoption Statement and Sustainability Appraisal are made publicly available and interested parties notified.



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor D Cook)



FOR                                                    AGAINST                                          ABSENT


Councillor J Chesworth                  Councillor M Clarke                        Councillor M Thurgood

Councillor S Claymore                   Councillor A Couchman

Councillor T Clements                    Councillor M Couchman

Councillor D Cook                           Councillor J Faulkner

Councillor S Doyle                          Councillor G Hirons

Councillor M Gant                           Councillor T Madge

Councillor J Goodall                       Councillor K Norchi

Councillor S Goodall                       Councillor Dr S Peaple

Councillor M Greatorex                   Councillor T Peaple

Councillor A James                         Councillor P Seekings

Councillor R Kingstone                  Councillor P Standen

Councillor A Lunn

Councillor M McDermid

Councillor J Oates

Councillor M Oates

Councillor R Pritchard

Councillor R Rogers

Councillor E Rowe


Supporting documents: