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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Councillor S Peaple made the following announcement:-


Can I formally extend my condolences on the passing of Councillor Knowles having had the privilege of serving with him in the past.


Councillor T Clements made the following announcement:-


Lin Street our Civic Officer for Tamworth Borough Council is retiring. As we all know Lin isn’t just an employee of Tamworth Borough Council. She has proven over the last 8 years that she has been with us that she is very passionate about Tamworth and the people that reside in it and having been Mayor in 2012/12 the woman is formidable of her representation across the whole of Staffordshire. I believe Lin has received many nice e-mails from other Civic Officers and former Mayors. So tonight on behalf of the Councillors in the council chamber we have got some presents to give Lin so if she would like to come forward and accept them?


The Chief Executive made the following announcement:-


Just to inform you that there will be a special meeting of Council called in January to discuss the Local Plan so I just wanted to give you advance notice tonight that a meeting will be convened in January to discuss the Local Plan


The Mayor made the following announcement:-


Can I remind everyone that it is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain this year and it would be great to see as many of you as possible at the service at St Edithas Church this coming Sunday with the RAF to celebrate it. Also this is to recognise the people that gave their ultimate sacrifice. It’s at St Edithas Church at 11.00am on Sunday. I would like to see as many of you there as possible.



Councillor M McDermid made the following announcement:-


It is with great sadness that I make this statement. As over just 3 years as a Labour Councillor of the Castle Ward for Tamworth Borough Council today I resign my membership from the Labour Party. I wanted to make Tamworth a better place and to create and sustain a thriving local economy and make Tamworth a more aspirational and competitive place to do business and create a safe environment for the local people so they can reach their full potential for a longer life and healthy living. But when you are betrayed by the people that you trust like friends and colleagues in the Labour Party I just can’t carry on and how the values that I hold have been betrayed. Some people have betrayed years of friendship just to get in the spotlight and further their political career. I firmly believe that when you betray someone you betray yourself. I recognise that some of my constituents in the Castle Ward will feel let down by my decision. I apologise to them but I pledge to them that I will work hard to help them all up to the next election in May 2016. I am now an Independent Councillor and I know that many people who read this statement will feel as betrayed as I do.