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Agenda item

Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr Moore will ask the Portfolio Holder for Operations and Assets , Councillor R Pritchard, the following question:-


"I would like to ask Councillor Pritchard why he is campaigning on pot holes when he is fully aware that budgets are being brutally slashed by his own party. I believe he made the same veiled promises during his last campaign 3 years ago, but nothing has come to fruition?"


Councillor R Pritchard gave the following reply:-


Potholes are a menace to all road users. A record £6.1 billion of funding has been made available to local highway authorities in England between 2015 and 2021 to maintain our local roads. This includes an additional £250 million for a dedicated potholes action fund to improve local roads. This is all opposed by is own party.


Mr Moore says funding is being slashed by my party.


Under this Government, total road maintenance spend is equivalent to £160 for every driver in the UK. This builds on the work of the Coalition Government: between 2010 and 2015 it provided £4.7 billion to local highway authorities, including £168 million to tackle potholes across the county. Again this was opposed by Labour.


Between 2010 and 2015, the amount spent on maintenance funding was 27 per cent (or £1 billion) higher than when Labour was in Government.  So we are increasing spending on roads to a level far higher than Labour even did.


I have received information from Conservative colleagues at Staffordshire County Council who have informed me that the county around Staffordshire County Council repair 350-400 potholes every week, with approximately 20-30 of these in Tamworth. 


I thank Mr Moore for asking the question because it gives me the opportunity to announce that, from my lobbying of the County Council and work by my Conservative Colleagues on Staffordshire County Council, during the next 12 months Tamworth will benefit from a £1.1m programme of surface dressing to tackle potholes and help extending the lifespan of many roads and footways.


Part of the question asked “why do I campaign on potholes?” I do because as a Councillor it’s my job to do so. I take the role very seriously. I get them reported so they can be fixed and in the last few years I have reported hundreds of potholes, all subsequently being fixed by Staffordshire County Council.


I would like to point out that I am campaigning on more than just potholes.


I, and my fellow Conservatives, are campaigning on value for tax for the rate payer, better schools, keeping Tamworth clean, attracting new businesses to Tamworth, more free outdoor events, building more council houses and investment in the Town Centre.


I have noted Mr Moore that you too are campaigning on potholes, according to your Facebook page, so given your parties record on highways investment perhaps you should be asking this question to yourself?


No supplementary question was asked




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor A Couchman will ask the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Public Health, Councillor S Doyle, the following question:-


“Due to Staffordshire County Council Sure Start passes no longer being accepted as payment for Tamworth Borough Councils activity sessions and Fit Tots, is there any way we could assist, such as reduced pricing for people who depend on these groups, which helps to reduce isolation.
Those on benefits may lack the finances to pay for their attendance?”


Councillor S Doyle gave the following reply:-


First I would like to thank Councillor Couchman for bringing this to my attention. I would also like to point out for future reference that this falls within Community Leisure which is part of the Deputy Leaders Portfolio.


None the less I’ve looked to provide you with an answer on his behalf. I have requested Officers to look into the situation and at this moment in time it would appear there is a communication problem with Staffordshire County Council after their recent re-organisation.


They have confirmed as of 2pm today that they will continue with their funding and to provide them with an invoice for the current outstanding amount. Either myself or the Deputy Leader will look to advise you of the outcome in the very near future of the discussions to take place in March.


In the mean-time I’ve also I’ve requested Officers to identify the average amount of funding this involves per year; I’ve been advised the funding is equivalent to approximately £300 to £400 per year.


At this point in time I would not like to prejudice the outcome of the forth coming discussion.


As a word of caution though we have recently seen a drop in funding from our partners in a number of areas but we will look to see if an agreeable solution can be found in this instance.


I will of course keep you informed as the matter progresses.


No supplementary question was asked




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor T Peaple will ask the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education, Councillor S Claymore, the following question:-


“Can you please clarify what you meant by your statement in the Tamworth Herald that selling the golf course site will 'allow Tamworth Borough Council to safeguard vital services for the people of Tamworth?” 


Councillor S Claymore gave the following reply:-


The sale of the former Golf Course site will help to safeguard vital services for the people of Tamworth in the following ways


1.      It will allow the Authority to make better use of its assets and provide much needed housing to the area with associated infrastructure improvements and schools to the area ( through our partners i.e. SCC);


2.      The original site had previously been a cost to the Authority and therefore drain on the Medium Term Financial Strategy – costs of delivering service exceeded income received and resulted in Council Tax Payers subsidising activity for the very few. This will allow Members therefore the resource to continue to deliver high front line services in line with Corporate Priorities; 


3.      The release of the asset will also allow additional resource to provide and  continue to deliver key / valued high quality  services to the people of Tamworth through


a.      Use of the Capital Receipt / Disposal income will be invested in longer term Capital Projects providing key income streams and capital growth for the benefit and future prosperity of People of Tamworth;

b.      Until the Capital Receipt is invested it will generate short term investment income to support the MTFS;

c.      The external development of the site with the provision of much needed housing for both existing families in Tamworth and attracting new families to the area increasing the workforce base and new business – the new housing will generate new resource both for the economy of Tamworth as well as supporting the MTFS through:-


*           New Homes Bonus

*           Additional Council Tax and

*           Increase in income streams from services we provide such as car parking, etc


Councillor T Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-


“On a previous meeting Councillor Cook denied the idea that you would balance the budget by selling off the golf course site. However what you have told me just now suggests that the interest from it will still be used to reserve future economic strategy and therefore the budget. Is it essentially the fact isn’t this the case that indirectly this money will essentially balance the budget?”


Councillor S Claymore gave the following reply:-


It won’t entirely but obviously as we go through the MTFS later on tonight you will see that some of the money will be included for that. Most certainly the intention of this Council is to invest its money wisely for the benefit of the people of Tamworth.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor M Couchman will ask the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Waste Management, Councillor M Thurgood, the following question:-


“How does the Council monitor the allocation of planned maintenance of bathrooms and kitchens in our council properties?”


Councillor M Thurgood gave the following reply:-


The Councils investment programme of kitchens and bathrooms is monitored by the relevant teams at Tamworth Borough Council


These works are allocated either by:

1)         using our stock condition data obtained from the 2013 condition survey where we physically inspected approximately 60% of our dwellings.

2)         The repairs team will also put forward properties for the programme in year. These may be properties that were never surveyed or where there have been premature failures. They also complete partial renewals where urgent works are required.


Councillor M Couchman asked the following supplementary question:-


“Why is it then that a tenant who had a bathroom replaced four years ago under the planned maintenance program was visited a week ago to be told she

was on the bathroom replacement program? Now is this a one off mistake or a sign that the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing?”


Councillor M Thurgood gave the following reply:-


Obviously Councillor Couchman you are more than able to contact the housing officers at anytime. You do not have to wait for a Full Council to do that. As it is a specific issue I wouldn’t wish to comment without getting the relevant facts. If you want to supply the relevant details I will be more than happy to get back to you.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor M Couchman will ask the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Waste Management, Councillor M Thurgood, the following question:-


“With the introduction of Service Charges for some tenants how will you ensure that all the costs are transparent and fair and that every tenant who is eligible for this additional burden pays?”


Councillor M Thurgood gave the following reply:-


The implementation of service charges has been supported by a clear and comprehensive service charge policy which sets out the approach to charging.  The policy complies with legislative requirements and standards of good practice in the establishment of costs which will translate to service charges to tenants. The requirement for tenants to pay service charges is enforced through the tenancy agreement and will be managed in a similar manner to the Council’s very successful rent arrears collection approach. In addition the Council will have a dedicated staff member to administer Service charges for Council tenants.


Councillor M Couchman asked the following supplementary question:-


“Does that include tenants that have already signed a five year flexible tenancy agreement?”


Councillor M Thurgood gave the following reply:-


All tenants will be contacted individually with any updates and policies with any service charges that are relevant


Councillor M Thurgood left the meeting at this stage




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor S Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


“Would the Leader of the Council join me in questioning whether there are really only less than 100 pupils who benefit from the facilities for vocational training at Torc at a time when employers are being quoted as saying that the biggest barrier to the recruitment of indigenous workers is a skills shortage?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


I would agree with Councillor Dr. Peaple that the situation at TORC is giving cause for concern for local people. Furthermore, the absence of any clarity or communications on the matter is in turn giving rise to speculation and rumours about attendance, staffing levels and even closure.


As with any such situation, those responsible for the facility’s management and operation should be invited to clarify the current position and, in the interests of transparency, inform local people of their future intentions and ambitions for what is an excellent, much needed asset in the field of vocational training.


It is with this in mind that I will ask the Chief Executive to draft a letter to the Principal/Chief Executive of South Staffordshire College requesting a detailed update on the current and future situation relating to the TORC Vocational Training facility.


The response will be shared with all Members either in the form of a report or as a labelled insert to the Members Information Bulletin.


Councillor S Peaple asked the following supplementary question:-


“Would he agree therefore that we should send the same letter or at least the same request for information on vocational training opportunities in the town to the head teachers of the local schools who in theory should be sending pupils there to identify if there are any issues and also ask them if there are any other broader issues that they would like the Council to be fully coherent of going forward?”


Councillor D Cook gave the following reply:-


Happy to agree with everything Councillor Peaple just said. I will speak to the Chief Executive and we shall let them know exactly what has been requested.