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Agenda item

Tamworth Borough Council pre-submission Local Plan 2006 - 2031

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education)


The Report of the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education updating Members on the draft Local Plan and subject to the amendments the report seeking approval from Council to publish the pre-submission Local Plan for consultation, and seeking authorisation for officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Economy and Education to make minor amendments prior to submitting it to the Secretary of State was considered.


This report also seeks Member approval of the revised Local Development Scheme.  This is a public statement of the programme for the production of local development documents over the next three years, under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


Councillor S Peaple moved an amendment:


That the allocation of housing development to the site known as “the Tamworth Golf Course” in Amington be deleted and added to the number of houses which Tamworth Borough Council cannot meet from within it’s own boundaries. That the Council add a note to the plan inviting applications to develop housing on brownfield sites within the borough. This was seconded by Councillor P Standen.

Following a named vote, this was not carried.


Named vote for amendment



Councillor M Clarke

Councillor C Cooke

Councillor M Couchman

Councillor J Faulkner

Councillor D Foster

Councillor G Hirons

Councillor J Jenkins

Councillor T Madge

Councillor K Norchi

Councillor S Peaple

Councillor T Peaple

Councillor P Seekings

Councillor P Standen

Councillor R Kingstone

Councillor M Gant

Councillor J Chesworth

Councillor S Claymore

Councillor T Clements

Councillor D Cook

Councillor S Doyle

Councillor J Goodall

Councillor M Greatorex

Councillor A James

Councillor A Lunn

Councillor J Oates

Councillor M Oates

Councillor R Pritchard

Councillor E Rowe







By 15 votes to 13, that the pre-submission Local Plan and accompanying Sustainability appraisal be approved;



By 26 votes to 2, that, subject to no representations to soundness or legal compliance issues the Local Plan be approved for Submission;



Unanimously, that authority be delegated to the Director for Communities Planning and Partnership and the Head of Planning & Regeneration, in consultation with the Leader of the Council & Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education;



Unanimously, that authority be delegated to the Director for Communities Planning and Partnership and the Head of Planning & Regeneration, in consultation with the Leader of the Council & Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education, to prepare and consult on main modifications to the Local Plan during the examination process if required to address issues of soundness, and;



Unanimously, that the amended Local Development Scheme for publication on the Councils website be approved.



(Moved by Councillor S Claymore and seconded by Councillor R Pritchard)


Supporting documents: