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Agenda item

Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor C Cooke will ask the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education, Councillor S Claymore, the following question:-


“Could the portfolio holder for redevelopment of the Kerria  and Tinkers Green redevelopment please tell me how many tenants have been decanted from the Tinkers Green and Kerria redevelopment scheme so far and the breakdown (as far as is known) as to what housing they have decanted into (that is into council housing, registered social landlord housing, or other type of accommodation).”


Councillor S Claymore gave the following reply:


Phase 1 (bungalows at Cottage & Leisure Walk)

14 affected tenants who were all decanted to Council properties



Phase 2 (Hastings Close)

33 affected tenants of which 26 have been decanted to other council properties and 7 decanted to Registered Provider properties.  All have therefore been provided with a alternative Social Housing.


Supplementary Question


41 people decanted in total, putting a strain on available housing and useable Council stock.  Would it have been better done as a phased development to reduce the strain on the housing stock?


Councillor S Claymore gave the following reply:


The simple answer is no it wouldn’t.




Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor C Cooke will ask the Leader of the Opposition, Councillor S Peaple, the following question:-


“1100 houses are set to be built on the Golf Course and this has been integrated into the New Draft Local Plan – apparently done so well before any decision was due to be taken on closing the Golf Course. Like the Anker Valley site, the Golf Course is even being labelled as a “strategic” housing development site. So, once it is accepted and established within the Local Plan, it will bind planning councillors and be virtually impossible to change even if Labour do take power in Tamworth next year.  How will this affect the Labour Group’s declared policy of using the Golf Course land for leisure purposes?”



Councillor S Peaple gave the following reply:


The policy of the Labour Group remains unchanged.  We voted to remove the golf course from the local plan and continue to believe that the housing that might be built there does not serve the needs of the residents of Tamworth but rather the demands of the National House Builders Federation and other powerful interest groups driven by the motive of profit.  Given his views on the Amington development, I believe that Councillor Cooke was mistaken in voting for Councillor Daniel Cook to be Leader of the Council in 2013 and 2014.


Supplementary Question


Isn’t it true that if Labour accepts figures of housing needs in Tamworth then they are accepting the policy.


Councillor S Peaple gave the following reply:


I appreciate and hope you are enjoying your final year as an independent conservative.  The serious point is that you have decided you can’t do anything about it and it is fair to say that unless your group grows enormously that will remain so.  Labour are looking to take control in May, we have stated our policy aims and we will do it.  It is not the case that by accepting the total number of houses to be built we are agreeing to the allocation for them.  I understand the process of the Local Plan – You do not therefore I urge you to recognise we are working within the national framework.  I will speak at the enquiry to say it is wrong and it is not where it should be, plan is driven by the NHBF.  Can’t stop the framework, there you have it.  I wish you well in your future retirement.