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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


Announcement by the Mayor


I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I hope that 2015 is a good year for everyone.


We will be losing two members of staff, I wish Lara all the very best. Jane Eason has been a help to many of us in a variety of different ways. I hope she enjoys her new role with the fire service.


A long standing ex Councillor Chippie Lees is unwell and in Sunningdale Nursing Home.


Announcement by Councillor D Cook


I’d like to re-iterate the email that I’ve already sent. I advised back in August that I would review the Cabinet structure. The structure that was emailed became effective from Wednesday 10 December as per the notice given to the Chief Executive. According to the rules in the constitution, I have also the following champions:


            Councillor J Chesworth – Digital Champion

            Councillor J Goodall – Skills Champion

            Councillor M Greatorex – Heritage Champion


Leader of the Council

Operations and Assets

Cllr Daniel Cook

Cllr Rob Pritchard (Deputy leader)





Corporate Assessments

Corporate Finance & Procurement

Engagement Overview

Audit & Governance

Financial Planning

Service Transformation

Performance Management

Customer Services, HR and ICT

Member Development

GF/HRA Commercial Property & Asset Management

Strategic Overview


Strategic Partnerships

Treasury Management

Budget Consultation

Revenues & Benefits

Participatory Budgeting

Community Health & Safety

Tamworth Listens

Corporate Health and Safety


PR and Coms Management (GF & HRA)

Organisational Capacity

Graphics and Publications

Corporate Consultation / Engagement (GF & HRA)

Car Parks

Legal and Democratic Services

Civil Parking Enforcement

Third Sector Engagement

Council Tax and NNDR recovery

Voluntary Sector Engagement and Funding

Leisure Services & Sport

Locality / Integrated Commissioning.

Tourism/ Destination Tamworth


Outdoor Events



Communities & Public Health

Economy and Education

Cllr Stephen Doyle

Cllr Steve Claymore





Safer & Stronger Communities

Town Centre Development

Community Safety, ASB Reduction & Crime

Town Centre Economy / Cultural Qtr.

Tackling Fear of Crime

Education / Educational Attainment

Integrated Enforcement / Clean Streets Enforcement

Career Skills and Training

CCTV Management

Business Liaison

Community Development and Locality Working

Business Development


Development Management

Services for Young People / Youth Council

Building Control

Police and Crime Commissioner Panel

Town Centre Market Development

Nature Reserves, Parks and Play

Local Plan / Regeneration

Street Furniture Maintenance

Southern Staffordshire Partnership (SSP)


LEP Board Member


Infrastructure / Transport / LTB

Environmental Health


CCG / PCT Engagement

Decent & Affordable Housing Development

Healthier Communities / Lifestyles

Gateways Project

Community Wardens.

Heritage Conservation / Promotion

Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Housing Regeneration Projects

Child Protection / Every Child Matters Agenda




Housing and Waste Management


Cllr Michelle Thurgood






Strategic Waste Management

Cllr John Chesworth - Digital Champion

Refuse Collection

Cllr Joy Goodall - Skills Champion

Recycling Services

Cllr Michael Greatorex - Heritage Champion

Waste Minimisation


Joint Waste Board with LDC.


Staffordshire Joint Waste Management Board


Strategic Housing


Homelessness Prevention


Housing Advice


Landlord Services / Council Housing


Private Rented Sector Housing


HRA Neighbourhood Renewal


Healthier Housing


Public Sector Garages


HRA Business Planning


Tenant Engagement


Decent Homes Standard


Tamworth in Bloom Operations





The Mayor invited the petitioner Carol Dean to present her petition to Council. Carol Dean supported by Councillor Garry Hirons presented to Council the petition entitled “Don’t let us lose our Loos”, it was agreed that it would be debated at Council on 17th March 2015.