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Agenda item

State of Tamworth Debate

Report attached and brief presentation to further debate


(Members are invited to debate what their views are about Tamworth, present and future)


Councillor D Cook introduced the Tamworth Listens report and moved a motion in terms of Rule 4.13(n) to suspend Rule 4.14.5 to allow Members to speak more than once and amend Rule 4.14.4 to reduce the length of each speech to 5 minutes, this was seconded by Councillor R Pritchard and was carried.


The debate was focused on the four key issues that came out of the consultation and Tamworth Listens events. Councillor S Claymore introduced the Town Centre (Place), Councillor M Greatorex introduced Housing (Place), Councillor J Oates introduced Tackling Crime (People) and Councillor S Claymore introduced Education and Skills (People) and a full debate followed each introduction.


Following the debate the following motions were approved







Aspire and Prosper Scrutiny focus even more effort on the Town’s Education opportunities and Challenge in a positive way;



The cross party Local Plan working group increase its work looking at and looking to resolve challenges of the 21st Century;



The Council receive an update from Councillor Claymore on the skills agenda undertaken by the LEP, and;



The Council publically thank the 100 plus people that attended this years Tamworth Listens event.




(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded Councillor J Faulkner)


Supporting documents: