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Agenda item

Question Time:

(i)                 To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.


(ii)               To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11





Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor C Cooke will ask the Portfolio Holder for Public Housing and Vulnerable People, Councillor M Greatorex, the following question:-


"Given that there were only four affordable homes built in Tamworth for the year ending 31st of March 2013, can the portfolio holder advise me what are the calculated expected needs for affordable housing for the current year, from 1st April 2013, and how much of that need is expected to be met by new built dwellings before the end of this current year?"


The Portfolio Holder for Public Housing and Vulnerable People, gave the following reply:


We anticipate 3 affordable housing completions this current financial  year.  This continued low number is due to the general downturn in the housing market.


However during the next financial year we expect to see a significant increase in the number of affordable homes including:


40 new homes built in partnership with Registered Providers on underused Council garage sites


6 units at Victoria Road developed by Waterloo Housing Association


New affordable homes arising from the work to bring Empty Homes back into use- anticipated 5.


In future years the Council has a pipeline of schemes which will be brought forward.  This includes further development of underused garages sites.  Section 106 opportunities at a range of sites and further opportunities via the work to bring Empty Homes back into use.   


Supplementary Question


Given that our Council has 2000 applications on the housing waiting list how does the portfolio holder ensure that the housing needs of such people are met?


The Portfolio Holder for Public Housing and Vulnerable People, gave the following reply:


We work closely with the private sector and are currently reviewing allocation procedure and the housing register. What we hope to do is tailor the need to satisfy demand. This is what we have in mind for this difficult problem.



Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor C Cooke will ask the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education, Councillor S Claymore, the following question:-


"Having noted that a revised Tamworth Local Plan was due out in September, can the Portfolio Holder advise me if there is as yet any revised timetable set for the amended Tamworth Local Plan and if so what date is it now expected to go out for public consultation?"


The Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education gave the following reply:


Thank you Councillor Cooke. When the decision was taken in March by Full Council to withdraw the Local Plan, areas of work were identified before a new plan could be consulted on. I do not believe a September date for consultation was given, however, officers have been progressing these workstreams with close supervision and guidance from the cross party sub group that was established also at Full Council in March. Some of these workstreams have taken longer than was originally envisaged and therefore it is my intention to take a draft plan for consultation to Cabinet early in the new year.


Supplementary Question


As I recall we Councillors were hustled into accepting the now withdrawn Local Plan which has left us susceptible.


In our current position of having no Local Plan in place do we use the National Policy Planning Framework or the Local Plan as yet unpublished and not consulted on?


The Portfolio Holder for Economy and Education gave the following reply:


Officers are working to ensure we have a plan as soon as possible that will pass examination. The National Policy Planning Framework takes precedence until that time.



Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor S Peaple will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor D Cook, the following question:-


"At the County Council Meeting held today, Cllr C Cook described Tamworth Borough Council as being opposed to HS2 whereas at the recent Aspire and Prosper Committee Cllr Thurgood expressed the view that Tamworth Borough Council was supportive of HS2.  Would the Leader of the Council please state which of them was correct?"


The Leader of the Council gave the following reply:


Simple answer is – Currently neither.


Let me explain, currently Tamworth Borough Council has no exact stance on HS2. The Conservative group has one. Corporately we have previously stated we would / do support given the right environmental, social and economic mitigations.


Now is time for us to truly nail our colours to the mast - fully. Councillor Thurgood is correct in that the stance of the Conservative group in Tamworth collectively is full support for HS2; this is not to say individual Conservatives may not carry slightly differing thoughts, we are a democracy.


The Government announced at the time of the spending review in June 2013 that it recognised a potential funding requirement for HS2 of £42.6bn, at 2011 prices. This breaks down to £21.4bn for Phase One and £21.2bn for Phase Two – figures which include a total contingency for both phases of £14.4bn.


Construction along the line is due to start in 2017 and be completed by 2025. The first train services will run between London and Birmingham from 2026.


The consultation on HS2 Ltd's proposed routes for Phase 2 of HS2 was launched on 17th July 2013 and closes on 31 January 2014. I am expecting Cabinet to receive a report in January on the consultation at which we will make a decision on our response to the consultation.


Key considerations will include our ambitions for future connectivity utilising West Coast Main Line, the mitigation required during construction to reduce impact on residents, visitors and businesses.

Proposed benefits to Tamworth (based on KPMG work) are between £79.2m and £187.5m additional economic benefit per annum following phase 1 opening, then an additional £50m per annum following Phase 2 construction. We cannot ignore this as a Council, we need a position.


Councillors we must as a Council now put our money where our mouth is. It is time to reach a firm stance and answer the consultation. In January at Cabinet Councillor Claymore will fetch a report stating our response to the Consultation. I promised Councillor Chris Cooke earlier this year that if we did this; all voices in this chamber would be heard. With that in mind I open up a period for all Councillors to put their opinion / facts into a brief internal consultation. From today until the 9th January all Councillors are free to E-mail Councillor Claymore, Matt Bowers and Rob Mitchell with their views and supporting information.


Cabinet will consider these responses and other relevant information and on the 23rd January at the Cabinet meeting state the corporate position on HS2 of Tamworth Borough Council.


I hope this clarifies the matter.


Supplementary Question


Given long timescales and Government proposals would Councillor Cook agree that we need greater clarity on how blight on properties will be dealt with under the proposals?


The Leader of the Council gave the following reply:


I agree with 99%. The 1% I don’t agree with is that we need to get on with HS2. We need to compensate people now. The timescales are too long. We need to get on with it.