(i) To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.
(ii) To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11
Under Procedure Rule No 10, James Nicholson-Roberts, will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor C Dean, the following question:-
With the announcement that the government wants to abolish Borough Councils, will Tamworth Borough Council undertake a governance review with the intention of creating a number of new parish councils covering Tamworth and therefore provide the first level of local government the majority of Staffordshire benefits from?
Thank you for your question Mr Nicholson-Roberts
We are closely monitoring the government’s devolution deal and local government restructuring proposals. However, as of now, we are not aware of any plans to abolish district councils. I was at a meeting where the Minister spoke who was saying that District Councils were integral to the plans going forward. Should any information come to light, we will carefully assess its implications and obviously keep all members informed. There is an anticipated Devolution white paper which will be considered once it is released and wea re expecting that report.
Cllr J Oates raised a point of order referring to pg. 116 of the constitution, rule 4.10.10 and moved the following motion:
That the matter of a Governance Review be referred to an appropriate Committee
(Moved by Councillor J Oates and seconded by Councillor T Clements)
The motion was carried by a unanimous vote.
Under Procedure Rule No 10, Paul Sharman, will ask the Portfolio Holder for Infrastructure, Heritage and Local Economy, Councillor N Arkney the following question:-
In the absence of Mr Sharman the Mayor asked the following question on their behalf:
With the council now securing the purchase of Ankerside shopping centre has a full structural survey of the building been carried out.
We haven't carried out a full structural survey, we have however completed a general condition survey and detailed inspection of the building.
Under Procedure Rule No 10, Paul Sharman, will ask the Portfolio Holder for Infrastructure, Heritage and Local Economy, Councillor N Arkney the following question:-
In the absence of Mr Sharman the Mayor asked the following question on their behalf:
How much will Repairs cost to Ankerside shopping centre to make it safe and presentable to the public.
The immediate investment requirements to address essential works have been estimated to be £124,000 in the car park area and £254,000 for the main mall area
Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Turner will ask the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Sustainability, Recycling and Waste, Councillor D Foster, the following question:-
Following the recent Environment Agency updated flood risk assessment from the River Tame in Tamworth.
Fluvial flood risk in Tamworth is primarily dictated by the River Tame, a “main river”
designated watercourse falling within the remit of the Environment Agency. Flood defences are located along the Lichfield Road and Coton Lane to prevent flooding from this watercourse to nearby properties.
In 2012 the previous modelling suggested the key residential and commercial areas in that location Tamworth benefitted from a 100-year climate change protection, the latest study 2023 show the over topping of the flood defences return period flood events as low as 1 in 30 years.
The flood levels generated during Storm Henk were approximately 0.3 lower than the crest of the flood defence along Lichfield Road.
A 100- year with climate change standard of protection could be reached if the flood defence crest height were increased by 0.5m .
The crest level of the existing flood defence along Lichfield Road is relatively uniform and thus overtopping occurs over a significant length, on either side of the A51/Lichfield road roundabout.
How well does the council believe its current strategic flood plan is robust enough to mitigate the flooding within the whole of the borough?
Thank you for the Question Cllr Turner and an appropriate question given the bad weather we have been experiencing.
Firstly, I would like to clarify that the current strategic flood plan is the responsibility of the Environment Agency. The Environment Agency has a set of priorities which includes increasing the resilience of people, property and businesses to the risks of flooding.
The Environment Agency has recently met with senior Borough Council officers and Members to brief them on their plans for a proposed business case (yet to be submitted through their appropriate processes) which is to increase the height of the flood defences in Tamworth to withstand future climate change. Modelling the rivers in Tamworth and a better understanding of the way in which weather patterns will change, as a consequence of climate change, has led the Environment Agency to acknowledge that better flood defences in Tamworth are required. Whilst further work needs to be undertaken on the business case the Borough Council has and will give every support to the Environment Agency in undertaking this important infrastructure improvement. It is too early to provide timescales however I would like to reassure the Committee that this matter is in hand. When more information is available, I would be happy to provide an update.
Supplementary Question
I agree that it is early days but as recent storms have shown, the world is changing, but I would stress that although you have stressed there is no timelines and you have stressed it is the environmental agency I think collectively that Tamworth Borough Council has the responsibility, yes the environmental agency is working as we speak, but we urgently to address these issues and I would stress that you come back to council as a matter of urgency to explain timelines.
I will be more than happy provide the information as soon as it becomes available to us. As you say it is not our responsibility but we can do it and there are moves a foot to have a meeting and a walk around Tamworth to look at the area in details and I will provide that information as and when it becomes available to us no problem at all.
Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor M Bailey will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor C Dean, the following question:-
In the absence of Cllr M Bailey the Mayor asked the following question on their behalf:
A long running community project led by former councillor alderman Robert Pritchard along with the Staffordshire Regimental veterans is the installation of the statue of Colour Sergeant Watchman V in the Castle Grounds, I understand that the statue is ready but the council has faced difficulty identifying a suitable contractor for the installation.
Will the Leader of the Council confirm the council is doing everything it can to get the memorial installed as soon as possible and can the Leader update us on when they expect the council to complete the installation so we can continue to honour the memory of our brave men who paid the ultimate sacrifice and service for our country.
I would like to assure Cllr Bailey and Cllr Clements that Officers are working hard to secure a new stonemason to progress this project. As I am sure fellow members will appreciate this requires specialised skilled people to undertake this work. There have been numerous attempts to secure a number of different stonemasons and unfortunately non have come to fruition to date. It remains a key aim to complete the installation to honour the brave personnel who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I will pledge that this will be on our to do list to keep asking questions about when it will be done.
Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor M Summers ask the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Sustainability, Recycling and Waste, Councillor D Foster, the following question:-
According to BBC reports there were over a 1000 hours of raw sewage discharge in our local water courses. Since May 2023 scrutiny in Tamworth has been controlled by the Labour Party. In the 2023 local elections the Labour party also attacked the Conservatives over sewage going into rivers.
Just before the local elections the Conservative group moved a motion to make clear our opposition to this discharge and called on the council to investigate the matter via our scrutiny committees. Why has the labour group failed to deliver this vital public scrutiny?
The treatment of sewerage falls outside of the councils remit and is under the remit of water treatment companies for example Severn Trent Water. Improving water quality within rivers in Tamworth is set to be an agenda item in early 2025 and will be tabled at ISAG. We are engaging with partners who are keen to have a multi-agency approach to this item and a date is currently being confirmed for the new year. We are also looking at inviting the environment agency to that meeting.
Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor P Turner will ask the Leader, Councillor C Dean, the following question:-
Following the recent public meeting convened to discuss activities undertaken by Lightspeed Networks in Tamworth installing their fibre broadband network.
I have contacted Lightspeed to understand there plans to rollout this network and enquire why their communications to the residents and this Council have been poor. And request they pause any further pole erection whilst we obtain a clear picture of their plans.
Having received a full and frank apology from Mr Brett Shepherd for their poor level of communication to the residents who are affected by the pole deployment.
Plus, a willingness to cooperate with Tamworth Borough Council by taking up my suggestion of attending a Planning committee meeting also and IS&G meeting.
Bearing this very constructive offer, can I ask the Leader and CEO to find time in their diaries to meet with Mr Brett Shepherd personally to develop a professional communication strategy and action plan.
Also, can you instruct the chairs of the Planning & IS&G Committees to invite the Lightspeed teams to these committees to discuss this full fibre rollout plan so us councillors are fully up to speed with this exciting opportunity.
I can confirm that both the Chef Executive and I will be meeting with Brett Shepard of Lightspeed to discuss the roll out of this programme including how communications with residents can be improved by the company.
I am not in a position to instruct either the Chair of Planning or the Chair of IS&G to include this item on their agenda. I can however confirm that both are aware of this issue and I leave it to their discretion as to whether to invite representatives of Lightspeed to attend a future meeting of these committees.
Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor S Smith will ask the Leader of the Council, Councillor C Dean, the following question:-
With the impending 'Future High Street' development works, particularly around the Castle Gateway Bridge, many residents and local business owners are increasingly concerned about potential disruptions and the adverse effects these developments may have on our community's events and attractions.
Could the council please outline the mitigation and risk planning strategies that are in place to prevent negative impacts on scheduled events, local businesses, residents, and our iconic Castle during these works? Specifically, how will the council ensure that these important aspects of our town are protected and that any disruptions are minimised?
Thank you for your question. The Future High Streets Fund Programme of Works has reached a stage where there is considerable delivery on the ground.
In relation to the Castle Gateway there are still discussions and decisions to take around the programming of the works, however, key considerations will be to ensure that disruption is reduced as far as possible. Only yesterday I was speaking to the officers in charge of the Future High Street Programme and we talked about the movement around the town and how people can get around the town with minimal disruption.
Until discussions are concluded it is premature to realise what impacts may result. That said, the programme has a communications plan and an engagement plan in place to ensure that messages are clearly articulated to the right people, in the right way. Cllr Arkney and myself have spoken about this and spoken to traders. Discussions will also be held internally with officers to determine, if there is an impact on events and activities, how these can be resolved.
I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that the purpose of the Future High Streets Fund Programme of works is to tackle the difficult issues in the town centre and to halt and reverse decline. We all know that development and change in the built environment of any sort will lead to disruption. It is inevitable. Full Council knew this when it unanimously approved the bid submission to Government a number of years ago. Without this disruption it will not be possible to create the right environment for the town to flourish and whilst there will be short term pain, the long-term benefits clearly outweigh it.
The castle bridge projects are designed to better link the castle grounds and the town centre. The enhanced gateway including the wider bridge will facilitate more people coming into the town when events are on which will benefit town centre businesses. The long-term prognosis for this area will be enhanced footfall and prosperity as a result.
On a final point, it is important that this programme of works is delivered. Officers are working hard to make this happen, and unless there is a significant reason not to keep moving forwards, the programme will continue, even if there is an impact on the Borough Council’s own events. Removing the footbridge to improve the gateway and success of the entire town centre makes it necessary.
You mentioned the plan, but where is the plan how do we go about finding the plan? If you could also provide some details on how the controlling group are actively steering decision and guiding officers to minimise this disruption. What daily actions are the Cabinet taking to oversee the project and ensure effect follow ups
I am sure you remember from your time on the Cabinet that Future High Street Fund Board meet regularly, we talk through any disruptions we feel there maybe we talk through the communications plan that will be needed and we talk through the designs of things, and I’m sure you will be aware those things are a moving beast and changes have been made to original plans and should the need be felt we have to do that again we will do that to benefit the whole programme. I am quite confident that things are moving forward at a pace. Absolutely every part of the Future High Street Fund now have all the contractors and time frames in place we are moving forward and looking at everything being completed some time during the summer next year. We have had briefings for all Councillors on the FHSF, documents are available but if you need anything specific, I am quite happy to send them over
Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor S Smith will ask the Portfolio Holder for People Services, Leisure and Engagement, Councillor L Smith the following question:-
Following the recent Light Speed saga, which has significantly impacted and distressed many of our town's residents, it's evident that our current communications strategy is largely reactive rather than proactive. Can the council acknowledge this shortcoming, and what steps are being taken to improve our communications to restore confidence among the community?
Thank you Cllr Smith for your question.
Like you we too very disturbed to hear about the distress that this issue has caused some of our residents. Unfortunately, the council were completely unaware of the issue.
However, once we were made aware of this issue, we immediately made contact with our Staffordshire County Council colleagues.
I am pleased now to further update, that tomorrow the Chief Executive and Leader will be meeting with the Managing Director of Light Speed and part of that discussion will be to agree communications going forward.
In regard to the communication can you confirm when you first received that and also would you acknowledge this was a shortcoming from National Government.
I can confirm that we received the information at the same time as the residents that did in terms of the work that was taking place and I wouldn’t necessary say it was the fault of the national government but would say it was an error between the communications between the Borough and County and we can work on that to mitigate issues in the future by improving our communications with the County
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