(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Sustainability, Recycling and Waste)
The Chair welcomed Councillor C Dean in the absence of the Portfolio Holder and the Executive Director Organisation who introduced the report, highlighting the following figures that had been requested by the Committee –
Ø For a 30% drop in overall subscriptions an expected figure of £20,000 has been provided, however it should be noted that Lichfield saw a downturn in approximately £100.00. Even if Tamworth saw a downturn of 10% this would not have a significant budgetary impact.
Ø Figures around CPI included, which showed that, had this been applied each year then the cost for the green waste collection would now already be £45.52.
Ø A breakdown of related costs was included in the appendices (Pg 86). It was confirmed that the exact breakdown between Lichfield and Tamworth is Tamworth (32%) and Lichfield (68%).
Ø If the annual green waste charge does not increase, then the cost to the budget would be £68,000.
Ø Overall summary budgets have been included as requested.
The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:
It was confirmed that these were budget, and that Officers had been asked to show the variance between when the service started and now.
Officers confirmed that if the Council lost £20,000 due to a reduction in subscriptions, whilst the cost depletion would go down it would not go down by £20,000.
The Operations Manager (Joint Waste Service) added that from experience, they have never known a loss of 30% from introducing a chargeable service and gave the example of when Lichfield put the price up by £4.00 in one year they only lost a minute amount of subscribers.
Tamworth’s accountant has confirmed that these figures have been submitted by the Lichfield accountant and they were reported at 0, they are unsure if at these times the fees were directly attributed to the service, but the figures are correct now.
that the Committee supported the following recommendations for Cabinet to agree: |
1. |
Approve the increase of the annual subscription fee to £41 effective 1st January 2025, with the sign up window open in October. |
(moved by Councillor M Couchman and seconded by Councillor N Statham) |
In Favour – 5
Against – 1
Abstentions - 2
Supporting documents: