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Agenda item

Quarter One 2024-25 Performance Report

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


The Chair welcomed the Assistant Director, People and the Leader of the Council to introduce the report to provide the Committee with an overview of Council performance for the first quarter of the 2024-25 financial year (April to June 2024). It reported the council’s position in relation to progress with strategic corporate plan projects and updates on the financial position, corporate risks, audits, information governance and complaints. Cabinet will consider the report on 29 August 2024. The Leader confirmed that the report looked different as work had been done to make the document more user-friendly.


The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:


1.     Within the highlights, t was great to see attendance on St Georges Day at 12000 and with reference to the £21000 increase in tickets sales, was this being tracked to see where we were against previous performance and where we could go in the future?

This relates to the tickets being sold though the tourist information centre who have had some training on upselling techniques, and this is being tracked.

2.     Whether works on the Castle bridge would affect the fireworks?

It was confirmed that the works would not interfere with the display.

3.     Clarification around why Assembly Room performers costs were more than the budgeted costs (page 21)?

The Officers confirmed that they did not have the answer to this but would take this away and provide feedback to Members.

4.     Why the number of press releases for this quarter was lower at 40 and whether communications would remain a priority?

The Leader of the Council confirmed that communication was important and that they were having regular meetings with the Head of Communications and that they would look at why this had fallen and what can be done about this.

5.     There appears to be a shortfall in assembly room ticket bookings. Who is responsible for booking acts and making decisions around shows, and whether these were selling out?

The theatre manager works in conjunction with their team to monitor sales and look at past trends for ticket sales and what kinds of acts are successful. A piece of work is also being done by the Assistant Director to take stock of the shows and look at any recommendations for improvements.

6.     More information around ICT/audio visual technology particularly in the town hall and why this is still being used when Marmion House is more convenient/disabled friend/public friendly and has better parking?

It was confirmed that an item was going to be coming to the next Committee meeting to look at the reopening of Marmion House and moving committee meetings.

7.     Concerns around the number of Council tenants on Universal Credit and in rent arears, what was being done to get these down, and why the there was a disparity between rent and council tax arrears? How many of the tenants on universal credit are in 4 weeks of arrears which might be as a result of their universal credit payments being made and in arrears and how many are in substantially more arrears? A greater narrative was requested around the reason for arrears and what is being done.

Officers confirmed that there is always a drop in arrears in quarter four due to tenants using the rent-free weeks to make up some of their arrears. As universal credit is paid directly to the tenant, unlike housing benefit they are not always prioritising paying their rent. The Council makes early contact with tenants falling into arrears and will seek to make a reasonable agreement to recover these as well as providing other support, such as use of hardship funds and referrals to Tamworth Advice Centre. Specific figures on arrears levels were not available but that this could be provided for Members.

It was highlighted that the jump in the numbers of universal credit may be down to the fact that there has been an increase in the number of claimants being transferred over from other benefits.

With regards to council tax, the council tax reduction scheme does offer someone on Universal credit a significant reduction in the amount of council tax they need to pay which may account for the disparity.

The committee highlighted that in the past the Council had run campaigns to encourage residents to prioritise their rent and that education was key.



that committee:




Endorsed the content of this report for consideration by Cabinet.




(Moved by Councillor A Wells and seconded by Councillor M Couchman)




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