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Agenda item

Annual Garden Waste Subscription Charge

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Sustainability, Recycling and Waste)



Report of the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Sustainability, Recycling and Waste to seek ISAG consideration and support of the approval to Cabinet to increase the garden waste subscription fees for 2024/25. Below are the recommendations the committee were considering



That committee approved the recommendations to be agreed by Cabinet



Approved the increase of the annual subscription fee to £41 effective 1st October 2024.



Agreed that each year, under delegated powers, the Cabinet Member responsible for waste services will approve the price increase in consultation with the Executive Director Organisation and the council’s Section 151 officer. Furthermore, that variations in pricing can be agreed through the same delegation to support promotions (for example to encourage take-up of direct debits), provided these can be funded from within the service without placing additional pressure on the MTFS; and



Approve the amendments set out in the report which include basing the coming year’s annual price increase on June’s CPI figures that are released by the Office for National Statistics in July, and that the final subscription price will be rounded up or down to the nearest 50 pence.




Further to receiving the report Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:


Have we looked at reducing the number of collections from 23 per year to keep costs down.  The scheme originally started at 25 per year and this was reduced to keep costs low. Feedback from customers say they are happy with the amount of collections no data to suggest that the service should be reduced. 


If the increase is approved and residents start to not use the service is there a risk to the council if for example 30% of residents decide not to use the service. There was not a great shift in garden waste going into the black bins or an increase in fly tipping when Lichfield changed the price in 2023. 


Why is price increase based on CPI this could be higher than the actual base costs. Worked with S151 officer regarding using CPI is the most accurate indicator of what the true cost would be.  


If we automate in line with CPI members lose the opportunity to discuss the increase.   Could this increase be covered in the budget review process each year.


Report does not contain costs to justify the cost increase.  Cannot give costs it would have been agreed by members and officers at TBC, when decision was made to subsidise the service.  The increase in costs include pay awards, cost of fuel as gone up.  Increase will cover the additional costs of running the service.  The cost increase reflects the delivery of the service.  


Direct debit payments - no option to pay monthly it’s an annual subscription fee.



Following consideration of the item the Committee agree to the following recommendations being made to Cabinet:




Ask Cabinet to defer the increase until a full breakdown of costs has been provided and discussed at the next Infrastructure, Safety & Growth Committee at its 22nd August meeting and then make a decision at the next Cabinet meeting; and   




Agreed that each year, under delegated powers, the Cabinet member responsible for waste services will approve the price increase in consultation with the Executive Director Organisation and the Council’s S151 Officer before being ratified by Cabinet.  Furthermore, that the variations in pricing can be agreed through the same delegation to support promotions (for example to encourage take-up of direct debits), provided these can be funded from within the service without placing additional pressure on the MTFS



(Moved by Councillor B Price and seconded by Councillor L Clarke)




Supporting documents: