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Agenda item

Quarter 3 Performance Report

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


The Chair handed over to the Leader of the Council to introduce the report to provide the Committee with an overview of Council performance for the third quarter of the 2023-24 financial year (October to December 2023). It reports the Council’s position in relation to progress with strategic corporate plan projects and updates on the financial position, corporate risks, audits, information governance and complaints, with a recommendation to endorse the contents of the report, before it is considered by Cabinet on the 22nd February 2024.


The Section 151 Officer highlighted that from the General Fund Revenue summary of expenditure (Page 33) the outturn variance for the end of the year has increased to 1.9 million compared to almost 1.6 million in the quarter two report which increased balances held to 10.3 million which will feed back into the budget report.


The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:


1.     The improved layout of the report was noted.

2.     More information was requested around the launch of the Home Hub mentioned in the report and whether any service users would be attending the event?

Officers confirmed that the event was an open day to launch the multi-agency Homelessness Hub which is being introduced, to enable partners and Members to look at the offer and talk to those who will be delivering the service. Service users were not expected to be attending.

It was highlighted that there was an update and invite to all Members on Memberzone.

It was noted that it would be useful for Members to be given information around how service users will get to know about the service but that this could be shared out of the meeting.

3.     With regards to the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan due to be reported to Cabinet in February is there an update on the 30-year projection of the plan?

Officers confirmed that the financial forecast has been undertaken and would be reporting a deficit baseline position over the 30-year period, however they would be working on the mitigations and to put in place an action plan to help balance the business plan over that period of time. One of the biggest pressures is the achievement of NetZero and social housing providers are still awaiting clarity on this.

4.     With regards to the Asset management Strategy, as per previous comments by the committee has depreciation now been built into the report?

Officers confirmed that this has now been factored in the report – it was noted that this would be coming back to Scrutiny (Infrastructure, Safety and Growth) in the future.

5.     Clarification on the position of the Future High Street Fund (If it was not considered too commercially sensitive)?

The Leader of the Council confirmed that up to date costings had been received and these would be shared before Full Council as decisions need to be made.

6.     In additional to Damp and Mould, trees seem to be a problem in the Borough and could Members be briefed on the policy relating to trees?

The Leader of the Council confirmed that there is currently an issue with a backlog of work meaning that where tree work is identified as required, this can take up to 9 months to be actioned. They confirmed that the budget allows for a new arborist, three street scene team members and a new van to help address the problem.

The Committee then expressed an interest in reviewing the policy relating to trees and the budget allocation as well as Members being briefed on how to use Terra Nova. They considered whether this could be added an agenda item for an upcoming meeting?

The Chair agreed to discuss bringing this to a future Committee meeting offline and reporting back to the Committee.



that the Committee:



Endorsed the content of this report for consideration by Cabinet.




(Moved by Councillor D Cook and seconded by Councillor S Doyle)




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