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Agenda item

Safeguarding Children and Adults at risk of abuse report Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee 17.10.2023


The Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health and Community Partnerships, Councillor Summers introduced the safeguarding children and adults at risk of abuse report to provide a biannual safeguarding update to the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee, before introducing the Partnerships and Vulnerability Officer who highlighted the following items from the report:


Ø  There had been an increase in referrals in quarter two, which is not unusual as we moved into the summer and the school holidays.

Ø  Safeguarding training is offered to all staff and Members annually and the Staffordshire Connects Website offers links to all services including for referrals for support that do not reach the safeguarding threshold. Prevent training is also offered.

Ø  The Council no longer deliver safeguarding training for Taxi Drivers this is now delivered by a commissioned service.

Ø  The Council are still active members of the adult safeguarding board.

Ø  The Council is required to have a Modern Day Slavery Statement which is available on the website.

Ø  The Council have held several community safety events over the last six months which have been well attended.

Ø  The Council are still active members of MACE and there is now an Anti-Social Behaviour Practitioner in place through Staffordshire County Council.

Ø  The Tamworth Vulnerability Partnership and Anti-social behaviour coordination groups meet weekly to share updates.


The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:


1.     Who is responsible for Policing Modern Day Slavery in particular around local car wash businesses?

The Officer confirmed that as a business they would be required to have a licence. Any concerns would be reported into the Modern Day Slavery Tactical Group within the police and the Head of Service attends County meetings to feed in information on behalf of Tamworth. The Council work in partnership with the Police around any concerns which can lead in safeguarding referrals.

The Portfolio Holder confirmed that there is a Modern Slavery Hotline where anyone can report concerns and the number is 0800 0121700, this can also be done via their website.

2.     Concerns around the number of children who missed out on their last two/three years of socialisation at school due to covid and are now entering the wider world who may be more vulnerable than previous cohorts. Is there any work going on to monitor young adults 17 to 24 who aren’t monitored through being in the care system?

The Officer confirmed that the Council do not hold any data but there may be data through Staffordshire Observatory around education attainment which could be requested via a Freedom of Information request. The Council were still receiving referrals during this period but there was nothing to suggest that there was anymore risk.

The Committee also highlighted that there had been an increase in that generation engaging with mental health issues and it have also been reported that for babies born in 2020, development was stunted due to lack of socialisation.

The Committee highlighted that whilst the report comes to Committee six monthly it is essential that safeguarding is always a top priority for the Council to protect vulnerable residents.




That the Committee:




Reviewed the report and raised questions in relation to the content with the Assistant Director Partnerships, and thereafter endorsed the report.




(Moved by Councillor T Clements and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)



The Chair thanks the Portfolio Holder and Officer for attending and invited them to leave the meeting.

Supporting documents: