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Agenda item

Museum Accreditation

(Report of the Portfolio Holder for Entertainment and Leisure)


18:02 Councillor R Pritchard left the meeting,


Report of the Assistant Director, Regeneration and Growth to seek Committee endorsement for the adoption and implementation of documents relating to the 2023 Accreditation review (Arts Council England) in respect of Tamworth Castle Museum and Collections.


The Castle, Museum and Archive Manager introduced the report, advising the Committee that as part of Tamworth Castle’s Accreditation review they were required to update their policies, and highlighted the Museum Forward Plan where they had focussed the action plan to link with the Corporate Priorities.

The Committee made the following comments/observations and asked the following questions:


1.     Whether, as part of the plan, they would be liaising with the historic and heritage groups within Tamworth? The Officers explained that under the Partnership Working Section, the plan detailed more information about the local history and heritage groups they would be working with.


2.     Would they be using the Accreditation to seize any opportunities for extra funding? The Officer confirmed that Accreditation was key to some of their grant funding, and that they had previously applied for funding on the basis of this. The  Officer also commented that they had recently applied to ‘MEND’ which is a repairs grant process, through the Arts Councils that is specifically for Accredited Museums.


3.     The Committee acknowledged that the report was extremely comprehensive and thanked officers for their hard work. Committee Members also commented that they had been on the Castle Tour and acknowledged the passion of the staff working at the Castle.




That the Committee endorsed the report and the two recommendations going to Cabinet on 20th July 2023 as below:



Approve the adoption of the Forward Plan for Tamworth Castle and Museum 2023-28 and the following supporting policies and plans: Access Policy, Collections Development Policy, Collections Care and Conservation Policy and Plan, Collections Management Policy, Documentation Policy and Emergency Response Plan.



Approve authorisation for the Assistant Director, Regeneration and Growth, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Entertainment and Leisure, to progress the Castle’s Museum Accreditation process and make minor change to the documents if required.



(Moved by Councillor B Clarke and seconded by Councillor R Claymore)

The Chair thanked the Officers and invited them to leave the meeting.

Supporting documents: