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Agenda item

Armed Forces Covenant

(Report of the Assistant Director, Partnerships)


The Assistant Director, Partnerships introduced the report which is being presented to Cabinet on the 20th July 2023 to reaffirm the signing of the Armed Forces Covenant following the Armed Forces act in 2021.


It was highlighted that recommendation number 5 should state 2024 not 2023. 


The Portfolio Holder commented that taking on the role of Champion was an honour following his experience first hand in the armed forces.


The Committee acknowledged that a number of members had Armed Forces experience and therefore recognised the importance of this item.


The Committee made then made following comments/observations and asked the following questions:



1.     Clarification over how we meet our Commitment to give Armed Forces personnel extra weighting for housing with the reduction in housing stock? The Assistant Director Neighbours confirmed that households containing one or more former veterans or member of the Armed Forces is currently 7.3%. The Council has seven active applications on the Housing register from former Armed Forces personal who are prioritised in line with the allocations policy and Government guidelines as well as being supported in line with the Covenant. It was confirmed that data does not show that there is an issue with the onward housing solution.


2.     Why there were no communications around Armed Forces Day last month? The Assistant Director offered apologies and confirmed that this was an oversight but that this is now on the calendar for next year and that the flag on Marmion House will be the Armed Forces flag on that day.


3.     Further Clarification was sought around the employment recognition scheme. The Assistant Director confirmed that by signing up to the Covenant the Council were awarded bronze award status. It was confirmed that all HR policies are compliant and give due regard to Army Service and ex personnel. Information is available on the Website for resettlement teams. The Assistant Director Confirmed that there is further work to carry out.


4.     The Committee expressed their support for the delegation of Councillor Cooper as the Champion. It was highlighted that under Section 2.7.9 of the Constitution that a Member of the Executive could not be appointed a Member Champion and was suggested that instead it could be requested that this be written into his Portfolio.


5.     It was requested by the Committee that when the report returns to the Committee that there are examples/evidence of positive action which have been taken to support Veterans within the community. The Assistant Director confirmed that this is the intention upon bringing the report back to Committee, this was reinforced by the Portfolio Holder who confirmed he would ensure that examples of positive action would be included in future reports.




That the Committee



Recommended the re-affirmation by the Council to the re-signing of the Armed Forces Covenant in February 2023 endorsing the Covenant Duty for recommendation to Cabinet on 21st July 2023.



Endorsed commitment to the Staffordshire County Council plan.



Considered the Tamworth Borough Council Armed Forces Covenant work plan.



Endorsed the recommendation to Cabinet to delegate authority to the Portfolio Holder for Entertainment and Leisure (as named Armed Forces Champion) and Assistant Director Partnerships to oversee the associated work plan.



Endorsed the recommendation that a report on progress will be considered on an annual basis to the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee commencing April 2024.



(Moved by Councillor T Clements and seconded by Councillor C Dean)





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