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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Mayor made the following announcement


My very first Mayoral charity event was held last week, tail end of last week, and it was a Motown Disco at Bolehall Manor Club and it raised £300 which is now lodged into the Mayoral Charity and has given us a brilliant kick-off, I must put on record my thanks to the organiser Lee Smart who did a fantastic job and to Andy the Manager  at Bolehall Manor who gave the venue free of charge and enabled us to get off to that sparkling start.  So thank you to them.  If anyone has any events or money raising things that they can think of that they would like to add to the Mayoral Charity I will ask Tracey again if she could to put on, to send out an email detailing the bank details to which any funds could be deposited into the Mayoral Charity.  It would be fantastic if anybody could come up with some good ideas that would give that a good boost.


The Chief Executive made the following announcement


Thank you, Mr. Mayor, yes, I do have an announcement, probably quite a life changing one for me, today I’ve formally given notice to The Leader of the Council of my intention to retire as of 31st March next year, I think getting to 60 is about the right time to go for me personally.  Lots of good things have happened in my tenure at Tamworth and I’ve been here about 20 years now.  It’s still a great place and I’ve still got a passion for it and I haven’t gone yet but I’m giving members plenty of time to choose a successor and you know I really believe in the place and we’re going far so yes thanks Mr. Mayor.


The Leader Councillor P Turner made the following announcement


Thank you I’d just like to say that on behalf of all of us Andrew we’d like to thank you sincerely for your service, I know you’ve not gone yet, and your continued support for the next few months until you do decide to sail off to the Isle of Wight or wherever you’re going, so on behalf of all of us I think we’ll all agree you’ve been a great servant to Tamworth and we thank you so much.


The Leader of the Opposition Councillor C Dean made the following announcement.


Thank Mr. Mayor – I’m quite surprised Mr. Barratt I’m really it’ll be a shame because with my new group we’re all just getting used to we’re so thankful for the support you and your Team have given so you will be sadly missed, really missed but I hope you will enjoy the next few months, and my team don’t make it too much of a struggle for you before you go.


Councillor R Pritchard made the following announcement  Thank you Mr Mayor can I just add my thanks to that of everybody else to Andy Barratt and having worked with you for those 20 years you are very much a  can-do officer, I remember many times over the years I’d come for a meeting with you and you’d say Rob you’ve got a problem with this but I’ve already solved it so can you sign this piece of paper to make sure it was legal.  You have always been that sort of officer, a credit to the town you know when there was a problem you dealt with it you have always kept the members informed  and it has been an absolute pleasure to work with you so most definitely retirement’s gain is Tamworth’s loss.



Councillor T Clements made the following announcement - thank you Mr. Mayor, Councillor Pritchard has kind of stole my thunder as he’s the longest serving Councillor left here now, I’m slowly behind him. Andrew I just want to say your door has always been open, you’re passion for Tamworth shone through right from when I’ve known you for the past 13 years, I can’t go back 20 years but I’m not quite that old yet.  But I want to thank you for the support that you’ve given myself when you came as Chief Executive as I was finishing my mayoralty and the support that you’ve given to the Cabinet, to me when I sat on the Cabinet only 12 months ago, it’s your passion for Tamworth will always shine through.  If you do go to the Isle of Wight I’m sure that you’ll still be visiting us in the near future so thank you, enjoy your retirement, enjoy the bike I believe you’ve got that you’re going to be out on the open road and hope the back holds up because I empathise with back pain thank you very much.



Councillor S Doyle made the following announcement  Thank you Mr. Mayor I basically agree with all the comments that have been made in the chamber tonight.  I’ve been a councillor for approximately 12 years and my first portfolio was with Andrew.  You’ve been a good friend, I have a great deal of respect for you and I will really miss you but I hope you have a very long and very happy retirement, fortunately you’re not going til March so I’ll see you before then okay.


The Mayor made the following announcement.


Personally on a note from myself and from a civic perspective may I just again echo the thoughts and compliments that everyone else has said by saying you are an exceptional Chief Executive and you’ve served Tamworth so well for so many years and you will be hugely missed not only for wisdom and your advice but for your personality and your courteous and gracious character which we all admire and well that will be unreplaceable.