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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Mayor Councillor J Harper made the following announcement


The only announcement I’ve got to make really is concerning the Mayors charity I’ve had one or two people contact me wanting to know how they can contribute to the Mayor’s charity and direct any funds that they manage to garner from wherever.  Tracey over here is going to be putting on a message to all of you giving details of how you can contribute to the Mayor’s charity which this year I’m sure you’ll probably know is divided between Tamworth Parish Church and Tamworth District Civic Society, so hopefully that’ll be coming.  Incidentally the very first Mayor’s charity event will be taking place this coming Friday at Bolehall Manor Club where we will be having a Soul, Motown and Reggae night.  All the proceeds from that will be coming into the Mayor’s charity and it will also be a fabulous night, so hopefully those of you who like all that sort of thing to come along and join us.  If anybody requires me to teach you some of the latest dance moves I’m quite willing to stay after the meeting and help you out but otherwise hopefully we’ll see you all there on the day.


The Leader of the Council made the following announcement. 


With regard to the current Shadow Homelessness Prevention and Social Housing Sub-Committee I propose that this will  become known as the Housing Advisory Panel.  The Housing Advisory Panel will be an informal group; a  non-decision making body – entirely  designed to debate and inform future Portfolio Holder and Cabinet decisions across key council housing services.  Having an informal Panel will allow maximum representation from our Council Housing Tenants and Leaseholders to vote on matters impacting them – a statutory requirement in the Councils preparedness for Social Housing Regulation .  I am therefore confirming the Portfolio Holder of Housing & Planning will be the Chair, along with Leader(s) (or their representative) from all opposition parties; together with two tenant and leaseholder representatives from the Tenant consultative Group.  The details of this will be agreed between the Leaders of all parties before the next Housing Advisory Panel is convened. The Monitoring Officer will incorporate these provisions into the next revision of the Council’s Constitution.”


The Chief Executive made the following announcement


Thank you Mr. Mayor and thank you for your indulgence, firstly on a personal note it’s just a heartfelt thank you to all the good wishes I’ve received from members  following the recent surgery.  Just to let you know recovery is going okay, not without its challenges, but a lot better than I have been over the last few months.  The second item I have and would be very remiss to me not to mention this at the first available Council meeting is to mention our outgoing S151 Officer Stefan Garner who whilst he’s still technically employed by us retired as of last Friday.  I would just seek that we just minute Stefan’s contribution to the Council over approximately 36 years since he was here and I hope all members will join me in just wishing Stefan all the best for the future and hope he takes his retirement as he intends to and thoroughly enjoys some family time