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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Mayor Councillor M Greatorex made the following announcement


I would like to welcome Councillor Paul Thompson, welcome and I hope you are going to enjoy your first Council meeting and I would like to congratulate you and Councillor Farrell who won a seat on Staffordshire County Council


Councillor J Oates made the following announcement. 


I would also like to welcome Councillor Thompson to the chamber but would like to re-iterate as per the email I circulated last week that Councillor Thompson will replace former Councillor Ford on his Committee allocation for the rest of the Municipal Year. 


Councillor R Pritchard made the following announcement.


I just want to announce that Tamworth Borough Council received a finalist award in the National Prosper Awards they were one of three shortlisted play areas nationally and I think that is an incredible achievement.  So would just like to thank everybody that has been involved in building that play area for the authority.  


Councillor T Clements made the following announcement.


As people will know Staffordshire Day is on the 1st of May every year and this year’s theme is Learn Something New.  I would like to ask everyone in this chamber if they could think about something they could learn that’s new, whether that be a language or turning the hoover on in the morning and I want as many photographs and videos if you can do that send to Tania Phillips, just to prove that we as councillors can learn something new and get involved in Staffordshire Day on May 1st. 


Councillor D Cook made the following announcement. 


Just with your grace I’m not involved in the inner circle of the Conservative party anymore so I’m not sure if any other Councillors who are re-standing or not, but I am aware there are two Councillors in the Chamber who tonight marks their last meeting as Councillors, and it would be remiss of the chamber not to thank them for their service.  First of all, Councillor Dennis Box who is not re-standing his seat in Glascote in May.  I have certainly got to know Dennis very well over the last 12 months and I can tell you he’s got an absolute heart of gold his passion for Glascote and the surrounding area.  He gives everything to the residents he tries to help and what surprised me for a former UKIP Councillor is he’s an absolute raving socialist, former trade union rep and as I say absolute heart of gold.  And of course, Councillor Sheree Peaple, I had a lovely text from her husband this week threating me if I didn’t say some nice things, but I was intending to Madam Mayor.  As we know Sheree as brought a dedication and some passion to certain Scrutiny and Full Council, however, don’t think the community of Tamworth is losing Councillor Peaple because as we know actually Councillor Peaple does so  much in the community especially around the Heart of Tamworth and we know that work is essential up the areas of Glascote, Stoneydelph etc.  I just personally want to thank them both for their service and wish them well in the future. 


The Leader Councillor J Oates made the following announcement.


If I may I would like to echo the sentiments of Councillor Cook.  I wasn’t aware Councillor Box was stepping down, so I wish you all the best and thank you for your service of the people you represent not only in the Ward that elected you but across the whole of the borough.  Also, Councillor Sheree Peaple, not just Tamworth Borough Council but prior to that had a very active and involved stint at Staffordshire County Council and I can say Councillor Sheree Peaple’s legend lives on I think Councillor Sheree Peaple was responsible for nearly every call in that was held at Staffordshire for the period she was on.  So she certainly not afraid of challenging and coming forward and making sure we consider the right things, so yes it’s with sadness that we say goodbye to you from the Council but I am aware of the work you do in the community and the effort and contribution you make and I think that should be celebrated and we should be grateful for the work the pair of you have done.  Madam Mayor I  appreciate you have announced your not re-standing but you will have the pleasure of opening the next full council meeting so not goodbye quite yet but you have really done a cracking job in the short time  you’ve been on the Council and we are grateful for the guidance you give us at Full Council.


Councillor Richard Kingstone made the following announcement. 


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity just to say a few words.  Its really to say thank you to Officers and to many of the members here present for their wonderful support and kind words over the past 12 months since I my ‘dicky ticker’ started to play up as I call it but also in particular over the recent months of my wife’s ill health which is still continuing and is going to continue for many many more months to come.  As I mentioned at the start of the meeting, I really do want to thank you all personally I know we had some time in the pub a couple of weeks ago and the kind words that came through them were really really nice.  And it’s really touched me.   As my wife has come out of hospital today so with your permission after my question I am going to head home and spend some quality time with her.  Thank you all for your support over recent months. 


The Mayor replied, thank you Councillor Kingstone I’m sure we all would wish you wife the very best.