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Agenda item

Future High Street Fund Quarterly Update

(Report of the Leader of the Council)


The Chair welcomed the Leader of the Council, Councillor J Oates and the Assistant Director, Growth & Regeneration, Ms A Miller and the Future High Street Funds Project Officer, Ms A Poulton to the meeting to present the quarterly progress report to the Committee.


Councillor M Cook joined the meeting at 6.12pm.


The Leader introduced the report and reminded members that work on this project had started in late 2018, and that significant work had been done.  It was reported that the project had progressed well since the last quarterly update; including demolition work on old Co-op retail store site, with the tenders for the main contractor for the Flex, Middle Entry improvements, Enterprise Centre and Peel Café underway, and on the Market Street Properties and Castle Bridge designs. 


It was reported that:

1.    Liaison with the Council’s Arts & Events team was underway to understand any interactions between any FHSF works with any planned events.  The current timetable expected the works to widen the Castle Bridge to be undertaken between September and November.

2.    There was careful monitoring of the budgets and timelines to deliver the project within the cost envelope.

3.    There were monthly meetings of the Programme Board providing updates on progress against key milestones.

4.    A preferred contractor had been identified for the tendered works to refurbish the Enterprise Centre, to demolish and rebuild the Flex space and for the renovation of the Peel café and an inception meeting was expected in January 2023.  This tender provided for the potential for this contractor to deliver further works, or alternatively for there to be flexibility to procure from elsewhere.


The Committee sought and received the following clarifications:

1.    The Committee sought a more detailed overview of the timelines for delivery of each area of the works, including the works related to Peel Café, the Flex space and the Castle Bridge.  The Assistant Director reported that the programme was under discussion with the contractor and that a programme chart would be provided as part of the next update to the Committee expected in June 2023.

2.    The use of time lapse camera footage and the sharing of this more widely, where it was reported that the cameras were in place and would be shared.

3.    The Committee requested that where possible the works were programmed to avoid clashes with any key events in the town and that communications over the expected work and interactions for planned events and more generally on the town centre, be made early so that residents would be able to plan.  The Leader confirmed that early communication was important as well as ensuring that key messages were repeated closer to events.

4.    Whether any consideration had been given to designating any of the Market Street properties as a heritage asset to assist in any funding applications.  It was reported that these three units were Grade II listed and that the project included funding works related to these relevant Market Street properties that were within the scope of the project. 

5.    Whether the forecasted costs associated with the project had increased since the previous quarterly update, noting that the report included reference to a contingency fund of c£2million with construction costs forecasted to be higher by a similar figure due to inflation.  It was reported that whilst the forecasted costs had not significantly changed since the previous quarter’s report, this could change, however, the project continued to refine designs to deliver an affordable scheme and to mitigate these risks.


The Committee thanked the Officers for their work and for the report.


RESOLVED that the Report be endorsed


(Moved by Councillor S Goodall and seconded by Councillor B Price)


The Officers and Leader left the meeting.

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