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Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader, Members of the Cabinet or the Chief Executive


The Leader of the Council Councillor J Oates made the following announcements


I have four announcements to make, it’s a year since the conflict started in Ukraine and many people’s worlds have changed beyond any recognition and any return, families have been separated, homes have been lost and loved ones have been killed in a horrific act of violence against that country.  I would like to thank those who sprang to action 12 months ago and thank those who continue to provide support as we continue to stand with Ukraine


My second announcement is in relation to expressing sympathy and support for those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey.  How scary must it be to go to bed as normal not expecting to be woken up by the world collapsing around you.  It makes you realise how lucky we are to live in the place we do we can go to bed pretty much in the knowledge that the world isn’t going to collapse around us as we sleep.  Again, I would like to thank those who are supporting the people that have been displaced and the immediate rescue effort in Turkey, a number of people in Tamworth who jumped on and got involved with fund raising and providing support.  Every time there is a crisis whether it is covid, an illegal invasion of a country or a natural disaster the people of Tamworth always step up and we should be proud to live amongst such wonderful people. 


On 16th February Councillor T Clements in her role as Portfolio holder accompanied me to Stafford where we joined the Leader of the County council and other District Leaders to re-sign the updated Military Covenant with a commitment to look after our veterans of war and conflict.  So, I would like to thank Councillor Clements for joining me in signing that commitment on behalf of Tamworth Borough Council. 


On the 14th January 2023 Councillor P Turner was asked to take on a champion role as Town Centre Business Champion the specifics of the role are to disseminate the vision around the pipeline of projects to bring businesses together in a business district style approach and feedback and champion to the Council the positives and challenges that businesses face within Tamworth.  So, I would like to welcome Cllr Turner on board.


The Chief Executive made the following announcement:


As members will be aware in the forth-coming elections in May there is now some new legislation called voter Id which means in its basic form people need to take some photographic ID when they go and vote.  I would ask if all elected members can you spread that message when you are out canvassing.  As a council we are doing social media campaigns and sending a flyer out to all properties in Tamworth.  We want to support Democracy in Tamworth as best we can.


Councillor Summers made the following announcement:


Just some positive news I am pleased to announce that Tamworth has been shortlisted for a Rising Star award for £10,000 to help fund a local community initiative from Let’s Celebrate Towns which is a nationwide competition run by Visa designed to highlight towns across the UK that are helping local businesses and communities to thrive so hopefully we will be successful and I believe it is something we can apply to again for a greater amount later on as well so that’s good news for us.