(i) To answer questions from members of the public pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 10.
(ii) To answer questions from members of the Council pursuant to Procedure Rule No. 11
Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr K Forest, 64a Foxglove, Amington, Tamworth will ask the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Enterprise, the following question:-
“It is my understanding that linked to the Council’s exciting Town centre regeneration proposals there is also a Town Centre master plan.
Could some early arrangements be made to display and explain the ideas to the public.”
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Enterprise gave the following reply:
Yes a town centre masterplan was produced in 2009 following consultation in late 2008 and early 2009 with key stakeholders in the town centre. The masterplan has been promoted at several public events and has been available for the public since its publication in 2009 in both hard copy and on CD.
The Council is working with public and private sector partners to implement some of the ideas in the masterplan, such as improving the pedestrian and public transport links to the town centre. The Town Centre remains a key corporate priority and the new Core Strategy places the regeneration of the town centre as a key objective. We also intend to produce a town centre Supplementary planning document that will provide more detail and guide the future regeneration of the town centre. We will ask the general public for their thoughts in late spring which will guide the development of that document.
Supplementary Question
I didn’t know that this was in the public domain and I will seek a copy. It was originally produced in 2009, is there any updated information and how up to date is the information? Is it accessible to the public?
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Enterprise gave the following reply:
It has not been updated. The updates are as per the Core Strategy. If you want a copy of the Town Centre Masterplan I will get you one.
Under Procedure Rule No 10, Mr K Forest, 64a Foxglove, Amington, Tamworth will ask the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Enterprise, the following question:-
“Concerns were registered at a recent planning meeting attended by a highways officer that the detail and accuracy of Traffic Impact data and car parking assessment and provision is based on data that does not come from the Tamworth area. For various reasons Tamworth has a high car user rate. It therefore would need higher car parking needs. The highways officer stated “there is no data for Tamworth”. This may be a reason why Highways do not raise planning objections on highways matters within Tamworth when perhaps they ought to. Several years ago applications required developers to use Traffic Impact studies for existing Town areas to compile local standards.
Could Tamworth Council liaise with Staffordshire Highways to ensure a return to such local standards and that all traffic related data supplied by applicants as part of their planning submissions be obtained from Tamworth based comparisons in order to help avoid such traffic appraisal problems occurring?.”
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Enterprise gave the following reply:
Yes we will liaise with the county council.
Under Procedure Rule No 11, Councillor C Cooke will ask the Portfolio Holder for Quality of Life, the following question:-
"At the June Council last year I asked two questions, one on Tamworth's Housing Allocations policy and one on the Incentive To Move scheme. The answer given at the time said that there was to be a review of these things in December last year. I am not aware of any review taking place nor of any changes in the policies. I also hear rumours that the Council is looking in the future to move tenants from under-occupied homes even though they may have lived in these homes for many years. Will the portfolio holder assure such council tenents that they have nothing to fear and she personally has no plans and will oppose any change in policy that forces long-term tenants from their homes into smaller homes?"
The Portfolio Holder for Quality of Life gave the following reply:
The Allocation Policy was indeed due for Review in December 2011, however it was decided to re-profile the timing to enable full account to be taken of the Localism Act 2011 and a subsequent consultation regarding allocations regulation which has now followed the Act. There are a number of changes which will impact on the councils allocations policy and until we have completed the assessment of the impact of these legislative and regulatory changes it will not be possible for our own policies to be reviewed. The decision to delay our review is driven by a number of considerations not least of which is value for money as any material change, in the allocations policy, requires every applicant to be consulted in writing for a three month period. Every time we do consultation we need to find £5000.
The Welfare Reform Act 2012, will introduce changes to the benefit system which will lead to a reduction in housing benefit for working age households who are under occupying. The principles, behind this is to encourage best use of council accommodation. The council will work with affected tenants to review their options and are notifying tenants of upcoming changes so they can make informed choices. Given the reduction in benefits some tenants’ may wish to consider alternative and smaller accommodation. A number of options are being explored to increase the supply of suitable, affordable accommodation including increasing access to private rented accommodation for example, through the proposed social lettings agency.
A number of member seminars are planned to discuss the impact of these changes in more detail, one in May on the impact of welfare reform and one in June on the used of fixed term tenancies and opportunities for managing tenure going forward. I would encourage colleagues to attend. This will help inform housing views going forward to enable policies to be made going forward.
Supplementary Question
What is the timetable going forward?
The Portfolio Holder for Quality of Life gave the following reply:
There are seminars in May and June and we should then have enough information to decide the way forward and carry out the review.